Bernadette Kehoe Bernadette Kehoe

Mary in May - (by Fr. Gerard O’Shaughnessy sbd and Sr Susan Reichert pbvm)

Using your rosary beads – in a different way: Take an event in Mary’s life and reflect on it. You might use one event each day and either over 1 decade or 5 decades – say the short refrain on the small beads.

Alternatively, you might wish to say the rosary in the usual way but reflect on these events of Mary’s life.

In the Church of the Visitation, Ein Karem, Jerusalem

In the Church of the Visitation, Ein Karem, Jerusalem

Using your rosary beads – in a different way: Take an event in Mary’s life and reflect on it. You might use one event each day and either over 1 decade or 5 decades – say the short refrain on the small beads. Alternatively, you might wish to say the rosary in the usual way but reflect on these events of Mary’s life.

Mary where she was born - St. Anne’s in Jerusalem

Church dedicated to “Mary where she was born”

Church dedicated to “Mary where she was born”

The New Testament says nothing about the birthplace of Mary.

However, an ancient tradition, recorded in the apocryphal Gospel of James which dates from around AD 150, places the house of her parents, Anne and Joachim, close to the Temple area.

A church built around 450 on the site of St Anne’s was dedicated to “Mary where she was born”.

Read and reflect

The reality of Incarnation is that Jesus was born into a real family; scripture highlights Bethlehem as the city of David, the family associated with Joseph.

St Anne & Mary

St Anne & Mary

As we begin our traditional devotion of the rosary, it is good to look at the maternal side of Jesus’s family.

One of the hardest parts of this pandemic and the necessary physical isolation, is that our elders are seen as especially vulnerable. We cannot connect with our grandparents and those significant older people in our lives. We miss their hugs, their cuddles and their spoiling; they miss us too and often the only contact they have is through a glass window.

Pray for our wonderful elders who have shared their vision, values and faith with us, just like Anna and Joachim did with Mary and their very special grandchild.

Say a Hail Mary on the large bead and then – on each small bead say

Mary, born like us into a family, be with all parents and grandparents.

 - on the next large bead – say: Glory be to the Father….

Mary is presented in the Temple

Protoevangelium of James

Protoevangelium of James

After her birth, Anne and Joachim dedicated Mary to God at the temple of Jerusalem and she spent much of her childhood there. “When the child reached the age of three her parents took her to live in the temple. Joachim gathered the young girls from the neighbourhood to form an escort. Mary joyfully followed not once looking back at her parents and the Lord God sent grace upon her. Mary danced and all the house of Israel loved her. Zacharia, the high priest, welcomed her at the entrance of the sanctuary. She dwelt day and night in the sanctuary until the age of twelve.”

Read and reflect

Tradition has it that Mary’s father, Joachim, worked in the Temple of Jerusalem. As a devout Jewish family, he and his wife would naturally want to give thank you God for the gift of Mary. We join them also, in spirit, for the gift of Mary to our Church. In our own lockdown and isolation what can we offer today? Perhaps we need to appreciate what we are all doing, as a nation: by staying home, we have helped to keep EVERYONE safe. Even at the start of March, nobody could have imagined that the UK would spend six weeks without the Premier League, McDonald’s or nightclubs - let alone losing those joys of our national life at a time when everyone, other than key workers, had to stay at home. Today thank God for all that YOU have presented to the Lord for the greater good-that is real SACRIFICE! Thank you for your service!

            Say a Hail Mary on the large bead and then – on each small bead say

Mary, may we grow more like you each day as we give ourselves to you and others.

- on the next large bead – say: Glory be to the Father

Betrothal of Mary and Joseph

Betrothal of Mary and Joseph

Betrothal of Mary and Joseph

In his 1989 Apostolic Exhortation, Redemptoris Custos, Pope John Paul II, describing the marriage ceremony of the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph: “According to Jewish custom, marriage took place in two stages: first, the legal, or true marriage was celebrated, and then, only after a certain period of time, the husband brought the wife into his house. Thus, before he lived with Mary, Joseph was already her husband.”

Joseph and Mary fulfilled the Law. At this betrothal ceremony, Mary held out her hand and Joseph would have put a gold ring on her finger, a symbol of union and possession, with the words “Here is the ring that unites you to me in the sight of God according to the Mosaic Rite.”

Read and reflect

Some scholars agree that Joseph, the master carpenter met Mary during the re-construction of the great Jerusalem Temple, where his skills would have been greatly appreciated and needed. Love is so important in our lives-we need it for our own well-being. In these times of severe hardship, we have also seen the power and strength of real love and care: from the amazing Captain Tom and his century walk around his garden to the nurse copying the last message of a dying mum to her children.

Married love is not about one person in the relationship having their desires and demands fulfilled. Married love is about mutual respect and unconditional love, one for the other. I’m thinking of a very special couple whose marriage has had to be postponed because of the regulations we have had to build up around COVID-19. Think of all those whose lives and loves are being hurt by our lockdown. Sadly, we also need to remember those relatively few couples who are experiencing pain, hurt and abuse because of the situation. Like Mary and Joseph, we are called to share mutual respect, seeing the dignity of our partners.

Say a Hail Mary on the large bead and then – on each small bead say

Mary, betrothed to Joseph, help us to be faithful in our commitments.

- on the next large bead – say: Glory be to the Father

Mary receives a message from God

St Anne's Church, Sepphoris

St Anne's Church, Sepphoris

Joseph may have found employment in the new city of Sepphoris close to Nazareth. Tradition has it that Mary’s parents moved here from Jerusalem obviously bringing their daughter north with them. there is Church dedicated to St Anne built on what is thought to be their home. This great city is “perched like a bird” on a 400 foot hill that overlooks the  Bet Netofa Valley and helps to explain its other Hebrew name, Zippori (bird). From this panoramic view of Lower Galilee you can gaze on Nazareth and Cana as Herod Antipas probably did.

Read and reflect



In Nazareth, Mary now betrothed to Joseph, the love of her life is asked by the messenger to do the impossible: to bring God not the world. What an ask! What responsibility! What trust! In these past few weeks, you have been asked to live the impossible: we are sharing, with Mary, confusion and difficulty. Above all, Mary showed her trust and utter faith in a God who chose her. God is with us through this lockdown and the challenge, for us, is to see that care and love perhaps in those little things: making cupcakes together, emailing an elderly friend or your teenage son tidying his last!

Say a Hail Mary on the large bead and then – on each small bead say

Mary, may we too say – “behold the servant of the Lord, be it done to me according to your word”.

- on the next large bead – say: Glory be to the Father

Mary Visits Elizabeth

Ein Karim

Ein Karim

Ein Karim, five miles from Jerusalem, has been considered the traditional site of the home of Elizabeth and Zachariah since the sixth century. It is a tranquil place of trees and vineyards. The journey was about 80 to 100 miles and would probably take Mary three to four days. The Visitation Church on the hill is probably the “summer House”. The church down in the valley is where John the Baptist was born.

Read and reflect

Statue of the Visitation in the courtyard of the Franciscan Visitation church in Ein karem, Jerusalem

Statue of the Visitation in the courtyard of the Franciscan Visitation church in Ein karem, Jerusalem

The wonder of God is that the impossible can, and does, happen. Mary has been given the news of the birth of her child; a child destined to change history. Mary is literally the means through God can enter human history. One would forgive her for feeling father full of herself-she was told by the angel, “rejoice so highly favoured” (Luke 1:28). Mary is not arrogant or selfish so, on hearing that a much older mother to be needs support, she leaves home and goes to help Elizabeth. Not for her and Joseph will be trips to the Nazareth branch of ‘Mothercare’ to pick out a pram for their new arrival! Mary’s instinctive action is one of support and help. Isolation and the need to support each other in these times of crisis is essential. Those little acts of kindness can mean so much and just help people to get through another day in the hope of a return to some sort of normality-new or otherwise.

On her recent fifth birthday, Princess Charlotte was seen delivering food to the elderly; the cynics will cry that this is another photo-op for the Royals. However, it would be much better to think that the young Royal was trying to follow the example of Mary, the help. Anyway, in these challenging days, you do not have to be a royal; as Christians it should be instinctive as, together, we continue to build up the reign of God. Elizabeth can see that “of all women” Mary is the most blessed (Luke 1: 42). As we pray this part of the rosary, it might be best to join with her in a total outpouring of praise to God.

Say a Hail Mary on the large bead and then – on each small bead say

Mary, with you, my soul also sings thanksgiving for all God’s blessings.

- on the next large bead – say: Glory be to the Father

Mary gives birth to Jesus

Bethlehem means - House of Bread

Bethlehem means - House of Bread

The city of Bethlehem is about six miles southwest of Jerusalem. It is still a very important place because its built on an aquifer. Bethlehem is a “place that guards water”. Bethlehem - beit lechem - means “house of bread," and is also the City of David. Here, the young David was anointed by the prophet Samuel to be king over Israel (1 Samuel 16:1-13). Mary and Joseph travelled to Bethlehem at the time of the census to register because Joseph was of the house of David. It was St. Helena that put Bethlehem on the pilgrimage map and built the first church over the cave where the manger (trough) was thought to have been where baby Jesus was laid.

Read and reflect

We are all familiar with the Christmas story that brings light and joy to the darkest of winters. Joseph and Mary again journey down from Nazareth to the city of David, Bethlehem as they joined the mass exodus of people to join in the Roman requirement for census. Not for them a Bethlehem lockdown in the local Hilton or even a B&B. The Saviour of the World, the Messiah is born in the simple poverty of the stable. Jesus Christ brings simplicity and invites us to share it more than ever in our 2020 isolation.

So many of those familiar props have been stripped away from our lives; Covid-19 has forced us to live that simple life without air travel, going to the gym, going to the salon, eating out or having a quick pint at the local. As we are forced to live the simple life, perhaps reflect on those child-like qualities we are invited to embrace-we might want to hang on to a lot of them when the new normal returns.

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Say a Hail Mary on the large bead and then – on each small bead say

Mary, may we too, bring Christ to birth in our hearts and our lives.

- on the next large bead – say: Glory be to the Father

The Shepherds help Mary to reflect

Beit Sahor

Beit Sahor

The name Beit Sahour consists of two Arabic words: beit meaning “house,” and sahour meaning “night watch.”

The name of the area reflects its importance for the shepherds of long ago. The land provided their flocks with good grazing during the day and safety in its numerous caves at night.

Read and reflect

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In the Gospel of Luke, it the shepherds who are the first greet the Messiah-we are presented with those simple hardworking shepherds as the initial sharers of the Good News. The angels shared the “Glory of God” (Luke 2: 14) and Mary was able ponder on these amazing turns of events and treasure them in her heart (Luke 2:19)-very often it can be strangers who come into our lives and leave us as friends! They help us to see other ways of doing things and being Church. At this time we are being asked to live a totally new way of being community; it is strange and hard but this post in the parish website certainly made me ponder: “This lockdown is proving to be a blessing in disguise-it’s so eye opening how unifying praying together” is.


At this time, being a shepherd was not the career choice for those aspiring to achieve and earn a strong wage. Yet, time and time again, the adult Jesus presents the shepherd as the symbol of care and trust. Therefore, it so it is fitting that it was the shepherds who come to visit and share with the Christ-child.

I hope that you can stop and reflect on what this period in your life has meant to you; ask forgiveness where necessary, and TREASURE and remember all that is good.

Say a Hail Mary on the large bead and then – on each small bead say

Mary, may we too ponder, with those God’s sends to us, on the events of our lives.

- on the next large bead – say: Glory be to the Father

Mary takes Jesus to be Presented in the Temple

Remains of the Temple

This feast has other traditional names which include the “Feast for the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary” as well as the “Meeting of the Lord”. At the end of the fourth century, a woman named Etheria made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. In her journal, discovered in 1887, she describes the gala procession in honour of his Presentation in the Temple. Under the Mosaic Law, a woman was ritually “unclean” for 40 days after childbirth, when she was to present herself to the priests and offer sacrifice—her “purification.” Contact with anyone who had brushed against mystery—birth or death— excluded a person from Jewish worship.

Read and reflect

As good Jews, Mary and Joseph come to bring their first born and present Jesus to God. In doing so they meet with two wonderful elders and prophets, Simeon and Anna. I hope that these unusual times have forced us to look to the wisdom of our elders and share their life stories, especially with our children.

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As parishes, schools and families, we have a wonderful and rich story to tell and now we have no excuse. Children will be amazed to realise that they have to ensure that they not only re-tell their story, but make their own personal contribution to the continuing story.

Simeon is now free as he has “seen the salvation which you have prepared for all the nations to see” (Luke 2:31-32). In the midst of the joy of new birth, ever the realist, he warns Mary of the pain that is to come (Luke 2:33- 35). Parents will always want what is best for their children-always! They will do anything to ensure that their loved ones do not suffer and will take the pain onto themselves just like Mary. The pandemic and isolation will make us want the well-being that we are honoured to share this extra time with. Like wonderful Anna, we are called to “praise God” (Luke 2:38) in what we do and say. What we DO and SAY in this time of crisis says a lot about us; pray that it speaks volumes of the great Christian story that we share.

Say a Hail Mary on the large bead and then – on each small bead say

Mary, by our words and actions, may we share the light of Christ with those we meet,

- on the next large bead – say: Glory be to the Father

Mary, with Joseph, takes the child and flees into Egypt

The Milk Grotto

A short distance south of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem is a shrine called the Milk Grotto, on a street of the same name.

According to tradition, while Mary and Joseph were fleeing Herod’s soldiers on their way to Egypt, they stopped in this cave while Mary nursed the baby Jesus. A drop of Mary’s milk fell upon the stone and it turned white.

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The grotto has been a site of veneration since the 4th century, the first structure being built over it in around AD 385.Egypt is about 65 kilometres from Bethlehem and they lived for either a few months or up to three years (until after the death of Herod in 4 B.C.)

Read and reflect

Even in the midst of good times, we can see pain and hurt; how many of us celebrated New Year’s Day 2020 with confidence and hope, little thinking that only three months later a global pandemic would force us all into isolation? In the joy of new life and the glory of a special birth, King Herod can see only threat and disaster as he orders his troops in to murder the Holy Innocents. Why do bad things happen to good people? Thus, the Holy Family are forced into a new journey, the journey of the refugee.

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Today millions share that same fate, displaced by terrorism, war, religious disputes, sexual difference, racism, economic hardship and, now, COVID-19. It is sad to reflect that the Dheisheh Refugee Camp is located in Bethlehem-the birthplace of Jesus-it is constant reminder to us that refugees are still with us: the United Nations estimate that there are around 0.8 million forcibly displaced people in the world. 70.8 million people who are not at home, often in living conditions that do not allow space for physical distancing. While we might find our own living conditions hard during lockdown, please take time to think of those 70.8 million people who share the fate of the Holy Family. As we move towards a new normal, so we will need to begin a new way of living, a new way to socialise, a new way of working, a new way of going to school and new way of being Church-perhaps even a new way of being family. Jesus and his family have had to enter a new way as they flee to Egypt.

As we continue to pray, remember those who, for whatever reason, are being forced to flee and run away today. They have to run into oblivion without the chance to say “thanks” or “goodbye!” As they flee, they cry out with Joseph and Mary: “why do bad things happen to good people?”

Say a Hail Mary on the large bead and then – on each small bead say

Mary, be with all those who are having to flee from their homes and families

- on the next large bead – say: Glory be to the Father

Mary, Joseph and the child return to Nazareth

The return of the family of Jesus to Nazareth,

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After the death of Herod, having heard that Archelaus had become the new king of Judea, the family travelled to Nazareth which took them a journey of at least 170 kilometres. Archelaus was such a violent and aggressive king that in the year 6 AD he was deposed  by the Romans, in response to complaints from the population. Galilee was ruled by a much calmer king, Herod Antipas, and there is historical evidence that Galilee had become a refuge for those fleeing the iron rule of Archelaus.

Read and reflect

The Gospel tells us that the Holy Family returned to Galilee and the town of Nazareth once it was safe. Perhaps Joseph was able to return to the security of employment working on the expanding city of Sepphoris. It is also interesting to reflect that Joseph might have had an apprentice as it was common for sons to follow their fathers’ job choice. Jesus returns to normality after an amazing infancy; the school of life taught him some hard lessons that would stay with him throughout his life, preaching and ministry of care, no doubt giving him an empathy for those in need.

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Jesus is now able to have a time of contentment and peace. Jesus and his family live the ordinary. In these days of international pandemic, we can look back on the ‘ordinary’ with a sense of nostalgia. We have been forced to change our whole way of doing everything from shopping to cutting hair to exercising to learning to become a teacher. We now long for an ‘ordinary time’ which seems so far away-even as the new normal draws closer. Pray at this stage that we can return to the ORDINARY and share the reality and power of Incarnation.

Say a Hail Mary on the large bead and then – on each small bead say

Mary, be with us in the ordinary, day-to-day, events of our lives.

- on the next large bead – say: Glory be to the Father

Mary finds Jesus the teenager in the Temple

One of the most amazing experiences one can have at the great Western Wall in modern Jerusalem is when a family bring their teenage boy for bar mitzvah, their coming of age. The singing, dancing and sense of celebration is awe inspiring and gives us a picture of the joy of Jesus’s own coming of age-the songs, dances and prayers go right back into Old Testament times.

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Read and reflect

Jesus was taken by his family on pilgrimage to Jerusalem. We are well aware of the confusion that ensued when Jesus stayed behind. For anyone who has lost a child, there is a panic and real fear as we frantically search for that loved one, a living part of us.

Mary and Joseph find Jesus with the teachers of the law, based at the Temple; they are AMAZED at his wisdom and the questions that he asks. In education we have to be open to learning at all stages in life; a good teacher is one who learns from their students, just like the Temple teachers.

The exchange between Jesus and his mother can come across as cheeky and failure to show respect Mary says "Your father and I have been searching for you." (Luke 2: 48). Jesus answers, "You should have known I would be at the house of my Father." (Luke 2:49). In other words, Jesus has chosen this crucial stage in his life, on the brink of manhood, to tell his parents in an unforgettable way that he now knows who his real Father is and what it will mean for his mission. The time will come when Jesus will be killed in Jerusalem, and after three days rise from the dead, and that will be a great pain to Mary. And is not this three-day vigil of Mary and Joseph a foreshadowing of that experience? She said, "Your father and I have been seeking you in pain.

As a young man, probably already working with Joseph as his apprentice, he goes home to Nazareth to continue living that ordinary life but with a new sense of vision and purpose. All of us have been asked to live an extraordinary life in these times of lockdown and, I pray, that you can share this vision of Jesus too, especially as you LISTEN and LEARN from your own children.

Say a Hail Mary on the large bead and then – on each small bead say

Mary, may we too, seek to find God in these strange days, in strange places.

- on the next large bead – say: Glory be to the Father

Mary bringing up Jesus the Teenager

View of Nazareth from the Basilica

View of Nazareth from the Basilica

The Basilica of Jesus the Adolescent also simply known as the Salesian church and is located next to the school of the Salesians. In Gothic style, it was built between 1906 and 1923 on a hill called "Mount of the Start" which overlooks the city, where, according to tradition, Jesus spent his youth.

Read and reflect

I love to visit the Basilica of Jesus the Adolescent built on a hill overlooking the town of Nazareth, known as the Mount of Start-tradition has it that Jesus played with his friends in these hills. This makes the incarnation even more real for me; Jesus was a real teenager and played real games up here. Next to the simple gothic church is the Salesian School, offering education to local teenagers. It is wonderful to hear, while praying in this basilica, the shouts and cries of the young people playing basketball. I never find it a distraction, rather I see it as a way to connect once again with the beauty of the Fifth Gospel-the experience of a pilgrimage to the Holy Land that is alive.

Don Bosco wanted his schools to be places of learning, but also a place where young people can feel at home and feel free to celebrate; in Salesian thought, it must also be a playground of fun and games where the young find unconditional acceptance and a sense of hope. The pilgrim to Nazareth will find all of this when they go to the Basilica. Pray deeply today for all our young people; Don Bosco saw their potential and how we NEED their wisdom in the Church. If you find yourself locked down with young people in these days, see beyond the untidy rooms, the backchat and the rows. Recognise with Pope Francis the gift and blessings of our teenagers to the Church:

“Christ is alive and He wants you to be alive….The Church needs your momentum, your intuitions, your faith…..And when you arrive where we have not yet reached, have the patience to wait for us.” (Christus Vivit 1 & 299)

Say a Hail Mary on the large bead and then – on each small bead say

Mary, may we recognise the gift of the young and give them the keys to open the doors.

- on the next large bead – say: Glory be to the Father

Mary at the wedding feast in Cana of Galilee

This village in about 3 miles from Nazareth. Excavations recovered beneath the present church in the early 1900s confirm the presence of a Jewish- Christian synagogue and the remains of living structures from the 1st century, a basilica and a small stone cistern. Here, at Mary’s request, Jesus performs the first of His signs. Each of the six stone water jars held approx. 23 gallons of water.

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Read and reflect

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I love the fact that John’s Gospel; generally seen as the deepest of all the gospels, begins the public ministry of Jesus at Cana with a miracle of pure fun! John sets the scene with an experience that most of us can identify with: being a guest at a wedding. We want to make sure that we get the best outfit and ensure that the best present is bought. We do not know who the mystery couple are, but we do know that Jesus, his mother and the disciples are guests (John 2: 1-2). Typical of Mary is that she sees the potential for disaster and family embarrassment; she knows that Jesus will come to the rescue as she tells the servers, “do whatever HE tells you!” (John 2:5). This is Mary’s intuitive gift and simple prayer for the whole Church: if we DO WHATEVER HE TELLS us, then how much better the Church will be. This is our simple calling to DO Eucharistic as we continue to DO THIS IN MEMORY OF ME.

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This is where the fun comes in; John does not choose a miracle of healing a leper or a calming of a storm or a rising from the dead. Jesus offers gallons of wine of the finest vintage that everyone can enjoy. This miracle stands in the tradition of all gospel multiplications: God will provide more than enough; we will always enjoy plenty if we trust in God.

As we continue our prayer, name the married couples you know and pray for them, especially in this time of crisis when tensions can surface if we are not careful. Jesus and Mary witnessed the vows taken at Cana; as wedding guests you too have heard those vows: to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part. This is an exchange between TWO equals; in these days of isolation, please listen to the wisdom of Mary, DO WHATEVER HE TELLS YOU.

Say a Hail Mary on the large bead and then – on each small bead say

Mary, may we heed your words – “Do whatever he tells you.”

- on the next large bead – say: Glory be to the Father

Mary, the model of discipleship

The mount of Beatitudes looking over the Sea of Galilee

In Matthew’s gospel, we read that While Jesus was still speaking to the crowds, his mother and his brothers were standing outside, wanting to speak to him… pointing to his disciples, he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother."…

Read and reflect

Our scripture for this part of our Rosary centres on that rare occasion when we meet Mary in the public ministry of Jesus. For some this might appear as a snub towards his family by Jesus. However, what we see is Jesus showing that his ministry is INCLUSIVE; the outreaching and unconditional love of God is for all. Discipleship must mirror that; as the ultimate disciple, Mary shows us the way. From following God’s will with trust to bringing God into the world; from helping a newly married couple to offering practical and spiritual support to grieving friends. Mary listened to her son, who, in turn, listened to her; their relationship is the example we can follow. Mary shows that trust that we are called to share especially in this time of uncertainty. For that pre-Pentecost Church of lockdown, Mary is the focus of unity, a gentle presence who is always available. Our Church of lockdown in 2020 needs that focus of unity too: Mary can be the model of patience and trust that all of us need as we cope as best we can. In the home of the Eucharist, Mary invites us all to “do this in memory of me!”

Say a Hail Mary on the large bead and then – on each small bead say

Mary, mother of Jesus, you walk with us on the road of discipleship.

- on the next large bead – say: Glory be to the Father

Mary at the foot of the Cross

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The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the Old City of Jerusalem covers what we believe is the site of the most important event in human history: The place where Jesus Christ rose from the dead.

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On entering the church, one turns hard right and ascends asteep and curving flight of stairs – you are ascending the “hill” of Calvary (from the Latin) or Golgotha (from the Aramaic), both words meaning “place of the skull”. The stairs open on to a floor that is level with the top of the rocky outcrop on which Christ was crucified. It is about 4.5 metres above the ground floor. On the floor of Calvary are two chapels side by side, Greek Orthodox on the left, Catholic on the right. Mary sees Jesus being nailed to the cross and is with him when he dies.

Read and reflect

Mary finds herself in the most difficult and hurtful situations as she finds herself at the place of Roman execution with her son as the branded criminal-branded because of lies and failure. She has been asked to make the ultimate sacrifice of any parent: to watch your child die. She has seen the horror and hatred of the Via Delarosa; people screaming and spitting their venom; her only hope is with Simon of Cyrene, Veronica and the Women of Jerusalem. As you pray, it is good to reflect on what side of the divide you find yourself as you try to follow Mary’s prayer for you: “do whatever he tells you!” We might like to think we are a Veronica, bringing comfort in this crisis; or are we fermenting discord and the very hatred that led to the Cross? It is a hard question to ask of ourselves but, in this time of international crisis and we are probably at our lowest, it has to be asked as we stand with Mary at the foot of the cross. Like her we have witnessed death and pain over these past few weeks; we have lost loved ones, neighbours and fellow parishioners.Mary stands with us in our sorrow; she understands our confusion, anger and pain. Like her we cry out for an end to this pain; we cry out for justice and a sense of real community in the new normal. As we move closer to a closure, may Mary’s thoughtfulness, empathy and gentle presence be with us as a guiding light.

Say a Hail Mary on the large bead and then – on each small bead say

Mary, be with us, as you were with Jesus, as we “watch” those who suffer and die.

- on the next large bead – say: Glory be to the Father

Mary receives the body of her son into her arms

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The Greek mosaic on the wall above the “anointing slab” in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, depicts Christ being taken down from the cross, put in his mother’s arms and then his body being prepared for burial and taken to the tomb.

Read and reflect

We are invited to join with a sorrowful mother. Years earlier in a Bethlehem crib, a child was laid into the arms of Mary; now we reflect on that same child and mother in death. The dead body of Jesus is placed into the arms of a mother who hugged and cradled him-a mother who was there for him in life and death. Only this morning grandparents on Radio 5 Live were telling us how they missed their grandchildren: while social media keeps us all in touch, it lacks that personal, human contact that so many crave. The real-life stories behind the statistics tell of victims of COVID-19 dying without family support; we thank God for our nurses and carers who have sat with them in their hour of death. In the global pieta, Mary holds us all in her care and love. Let us pray with those in pain as they mourn the deaths of those they love.

As Mary holds her loving son in her arms, a victim of the hatred of others, how does she feel, what are her emotions, can she forgive? Throughout the life, work and teaching of Jesus, we see him bringing peace and forgiveness, expressed so beautifully in the prayer he gave to his disciples: “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us” (Matthew 6:12). This is a challenge to our Easter faith and perhaps we have had time, during this time of enforced isolation, to reflect on those we feel we cannot forgive. Why is this so? Is there any chance you could reach out and give that Easter gift of peace? Jesus reaches out to the LOST and hurt: in the parables of the lost in Luke’s Gospel, the lost coin, sheep and Son show us how important it is to reach out and accept forgiveness in our lives. These parables also give us an opportunity to meditate on ‘what counts’ in our lives. (Luke 15: 4-32). If we don’t then we are consigned to a life of pain and hurt; we might think that we can get by but we are not living up to that injunction of Jesus to set people FREE and become prisoners to our own hatred. Bitterness and wanting revenge can become a cancer that eats away at us and harm our own wellbeing. Today we have no excuse, in this time of lockdown we need to be bearers of the PEACE of the Risen Lord. There are enough situations of hurt and bitterness in society without any of us adding to that pain. Reach out today and bring your peace to those who genuinely need it in their lives today.

Say a Hail Mary on the large bead and then – on each small bead say

Mary, with you, may we reach out and bring peace to those who are in need.

- on the next large bead – say: Glory be to the Father

Mary is visited by the Risen Christ


In the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is the Chapel of the Apparition - which commemorates the tradition that the risen Christ first appeared to his Mother.

Could Mary’s absence from the group of women  who went to the tomb at dawn (cf. Mk 16:1; Mt 28:1) indicate that she had already met Jesus?

Read and reflect

As we pause again on journey of prayer, we reflect on something that we have NO biblical evidence for-just as we have no biblical reference for the strong Christian tradition of Veronica helping Jesus. As Jesus showed his love for his Mother in life, so we have seen the depth of that love in death. The Gospels refer to Jesus going back to Galilee, his home.

What could be more natural and right than mother and son meeting up and sharing their love. In lockdown perhaps you can take time to reflect with those you love on what these past few weeks has taught you: are you going to change? Is the new normal going to mean change in your home? How will the Church adapt to the challenge of change that has to come?

As Pope Francis reflected to his own civil service: “Here on earth to live is to change, and to change often is to become more perfect. Newman is not speaking about seeking change for change’s sake, or to follow the fashion, but rather to have the conviction that development and growth are the characteristic of earthly and human life, while, in the perspective of the believer, at the centre there is the stability of God” (Pope Francis at Vatican 21st December 2020)

Say a Hail Mary on the large bead and then – on each small bead say

Mary, rejoice, the Son who you bore has risen as he said he would. Alleluia.

- on the next large bead – say: Glory be to the Father

Mary with his friends awaiting the Spirit

The Upper Room, also known as the Cenacle, is located in the southern part of the Old City of Jerusalem on Mount Zion, the traditional site of the Last Supper since the fourth century AD. The current structure of the room dates approximately from the fourteenth century, which accounts for the existing Gothic-era columns. This is also the place where the Apostles with Mary, the mother of Jesus waits, in prayer, for the promised Spirit.


Read and reflect

Mary with the disciples waiting for the Holy Spirit in the home of Eucharist.

Even after the glory of Resurrection, the disciples are seen in the Acts of the Apostles as gathered “in continuous prayer”, together with several women, including Mary the mother of Jesus” (Acts 1: 11). This picture of the early Jerusalem community shows a Church in lockdown. As we see at the end of the gospels, the apostles are presented as frightened and scared. They are in need of support and help-Mary fits the bill perfectly. The founder of the Salesian family, Don Bosco saw the need for his educators to be involved in their lives of their students through a kindly presence; this is exactly what Mary was to the disciples in their grief and loss. She, who has lost her beloved son, is the one who offers that unconditional presence and cares for them. In this room of Eucharist, she lives that life for them as she invites them to REMEMBER.

In our strange lockdown, hopefully we have been able to let go of our attachments, the root of which means distraction and hurt. Worry and anxiety require us to buy into, to choose to believe, at least two lies:

•  I can control the outcome of things

•  I can keep bad things from happening if I worry hard and long enough.

The Gospel invites us to let go of the need to control either by our thoughts or actions and to try trusting God instead. The promise, from Isaiah 40, is that, in waiting, we will renew our strength. But it's the grasping and clutching hand that drains our reserves and saps our energy.

Say a Hail Mary on the large bead and then – on each small bead say

Mary, in our joys and sorrows, be with us and help us to remember….

- on the next large bead – say: Glory be to the Father

Mary falls asleep

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The New Testament says nothing about the death and burial of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, but a strong Christian tradition places her tomb in a dimly-lit church at the foot of the Mount of Olives. The large crypt containing the empty tomb in the Church of the Assumption is all that remains of an early 5th-century church, making it possibly the oldest near-complete religious building in Jerusalem.

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The location of the Tomb of Mary is across the Kidron Valley from St Stephen’s Gate in the Old City walls of Jerusalem, just before Gethsemane. (This is the Orthodox Church of the Dormition)

The hill of Mount Zion, the highest point in ancient Jerusalem, is dominated by the Catholic Church of the Dormition. The location is identified in Christian tradition as the place where the Virgin Mary died — or “fell asleep”, as the name suggests.

Read and reflect

I think it is entirely fitting that the ancient Church speak of the DORMITION of Mary, of her ‘going to sleep.’ It is still the case in the Eastern Church, while we, in the West, have tended to sanitise death. Death, for Mary, is seen as simply falling asleep in the arms of the Lord. Pilgrims to Jerusalem will be aware that the Abbey of the Dormition is literally around the corner from the Upper Room. All of us have been touched by the death of loved ones; each of us will react in a way that helps us; grief is personal and there is no right or wrong way. Our reaction to COVID-19 is rightly one of fear due to the deathly danger it poses. While we naturally want the isolation to end and pray for the new normal when we can move forward. In the meantime, let us pause and remember our loved ones who have fallen asleep into the arms of the Risen Lord. The global pandemic has caused painful deaths and loneliness, let us ask Mary to be us all “now and at the hour of our death.” Pope Francis prayed for the feast: “Mary accompanies us, struggles with us, and sustains Christians in their fight against the forces of evil. The stupendous reality of Mary’s Assumption manifests and confirms the unity of the human person, and it reminds us that we are called to serve and glorify God with all our being, soul and body. To serve God only with the body would be an action of slaves; to serve God only with the soul would be against our human nature.” (Pope Francis 15th August 2019)

Say a Hail Mary on the large bead and then – on each small bead say

Mary, pray for us now and at the time of death, amen.

- on the next large bead – say: Glory be to the Father

Mary, Queen of heaven and earth

Above the main altar in the Basilica of the Annunciation, Nazareth

“From the earliest ages of the catholic church a Christian people, whether in time of triumph or more especially in time of crisis, has addressed prayers of petition and hymns of praise and veneration to the Queen of Heaven. And never has that hope wavered which they placed in the Mother of the Divine King, Jesus Christ; nor has that faith ever failed by which we are taught that Mary, the Virgin Mother of God, reigns with a mother's solicitude over the entire world, just as she is crowned in heavenly blessedness with the glory of a Queen.” Pope Pius Xll (1954)

Read and reflect

In Britain we are familiar with royalty and, in this time of crisis, we look to them for a sense of leadership. Queen Elizabeth II spoke to a nation in lockdown in stirring terms:

“The moments when the United Kingdom has come together to applaud its care and essential workers will be remembered as an expression of our national spirit; and its symbol will be the rainbows drawn by children. Across the Commonwealth and around the world, we have seen heart-warming stories of people coming together to help others, be it through delivering food parcels and medicines, checking on neighbours, or converting businesses to help the relief effort. And though self-isolating may at times be hard, many people of all faiths, and of none, are discovering that it presents an opportunity to slow down, pause and reflect, in prayer or meditation.” (Address to the nation, Palm Sunday 2020).

Queen Elizabeth has been able to capture the symbol of service that true leadership should show; as Jesus said at the Last Supper, “if I, your Master and Lord have washed your feet, you should wash each other’s feet” (John 13: 14). She encourages us to reflect or meditate on these challenging days that we are better than the pain that drags us down. Even our action of self-isolating or shielding can actually help and stand brightly as a guide to others-we are ALL trying to do our bit, no matter how small. Another inspirational national leader, President Michael D Higgins expressed the feelings of the nation when faced with death and pain; death diminishes each of us:

“The pain of losing a loved one to this cruel disease has been compounded for so many by the inability of friends and family to offer consolation and support in the way we usually would. The shake of a hand, a sympathetic touch, a comforting embrace, even our physical presence for those few days following a sudden loss, are not available to us for the very good reason that we are all involved in slowing and overcoming the virus. To those of you, too, who have loved ones in intensive care or who are waiting for results of a test, we offer our solidarity.” (President Higgins Radio Address 2nd April 2020).

Say a Hail Mary on the large bead and then – on each small bead say

Mary, Queen of heaven, rejoice. Alleluia. Pray to God for us, Alleluia.

- on the next large bead – say: Glory be to the Father

Read and reflect

The leadership of Mary is exemplified in service; as both the President and the Queen have shown us, we are called to be there for each other. In looking at the life of Mary in scripture, we see one who listens to God’s word with total faith; she is there to bring concrete expressions of support and help. Mary is the one who is there for each one of us. As we strive to make the reign of God real in the world, Mary is our friend and Queen. Let us pray during these difficult days with our Pope, who gives us all a living example of servant-leadership:

We pray -

O Mary,

you always shine on our path

as a sign of salvation and of hope.

We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick,

who at the cross took part in Jesus' pain, keeping your faith firm.

You, Salvation of the Roman People, know what we need,

and we are sure you will provide so that, as in Cana of Galilee,

we may return to joy and to feasting after this time of trial.

Help us, Mother of Divine Love,

to conform to the will of the Father and to do as we are told by Jesus,

who has taken upon himself our sufferings and carried our sorrows

to lead us, through the cross,

to the joy of the resurrection.


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Bernadette Kehoe Bernadette Kehoe

Letter to Religious from Bishop John Arnold

“… doomsday predictions can no longer be met with irony or disdain...our contemporary lifestyle, unsustainable as it is, can only precipitate catastrophes...The effects of the present imbalance can only be reduced by our decisive action, here and now.’(L.S. 161)

Bishop John Arnold

Bishop John Arnold


Wardley Hall, Wardley Hall Road, Worsley, Manchester, M28 2ND

May 2020

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

I write to you in this Easter season, when we celebrate our hope in the Risen Lord, in my capacity as spokesperson for the Environment for the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales. I am conscious of how much we rely on your lives of prayer.

Pope Francis has been very direct in speaking of a change of epoch. The health crisis of Covid-19 is just one aspect of our present dilemma but the one which is most visibly affecting us all. The Holy Father emphasises how everything is inter-connected (L.S.138).

“… doomsday predictions can no longer be met with irony or disdain...our contemporary lifestyle, unsustainable as it is, can only precipitate catastrophes...The effects of the present imbalance can only be reduced by our decisive action, here and now.’(L.S. 161)

A planetary health check (2019) published by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) concluded that human society is at risk because of the decline of earth’s natural life-support systems. Recently, leading scientists made direct links between the Covid-19 pandemic and environmental destruction with the warning that further pandemics will be triggered unless contemporary lifestyles change.

The pandemic of Covid-19 could be a turning point in human history. In this crisis, we can heed the Holy Father’s call to ‘decisive action, here and now’. We can learn to live the ‘Integral Ecology’ to which Pope Francis calls us. We can respond to the Global Health Challenge by safeguarding our own health and caring for the health of our families, communities, and our common home by repairing the damage of climate change and environmental destruction. Of course, we cannot promote and sustain this decisive action without the underpinning of prayer.

Pope Francis has called us to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the Encyclical Laudato Si with Laudato Si Week (16th May-24th May) and the Global Day of Prayer (24th May). The theme of the Week is ‘Everything is Connected’. In these days, I ask that you concentrate your prayer so that we may all practically respond, learning of the damage done to our common home, the harm inflicted on our brothers and sisters and how we may help to heal our world through an “ecological conversion”. Due to the Covid19 pandemic, many of the events will now take place online. We can also look forward to the Season of Creation (September 1- October 4) which Pope Francis has asked us to celebrate annually. This year's theme is 'The Web of Life' (

I thank you for your prayer, which is so essential to the life of the Church, and for all that you do as “missionary disciples” and “ambassadors for Christ”.

+John Arnold

Tel 0161 794 2825 Fax 0161 727 8592

bishop@dioceseof (bishop) (secretary)

Salford Roman Catholic Diocesan Trustees Registered Charity

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Bernadette Kehoe Bernadette Kehoe

Webinar on Managing Charity Property in Uncertain Times 7th May

A Webinar aimed at religious orders will be given by Gerald Eve, Buzzacotts and Stone King on Thursday 7 May – 10am

A Webinar aimed at religious orders will be given by Gerald Eve, Buzzacotts and Stone King on Thursday 7 May – 10am

For more information and to register, please follow the link:

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Bernadette Kehoe Bernadette Kehoe

CoR Seeks New Safeguarding Adviser

We are currently seeking a Safeguarding Adviser to work with the General Secretary, the Executive and Religious Congregations who are part of the CoR membership as well as other church organisations on the development and implementation of safeguarding strategy.

Details for this exciting new role are to be found in the Safeguarding section in the Members tab.

We are currently seeking a Safeguarding Adviser to work with the General Secretary, the Executive and Religious Congregations who are part of the CoR membership as well as other church organisations on the development and implementation of safeguarding strategy.

Details for this exciting new role are to be found in the Safeguarding section in the Members tab.

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Bernadette Kehoe Bernadette Kehoe

Religious finding new ways of assisting Jesuit Refugee Service during pandemic

“I am humbled to accompany our friends on their journey. They remain positive in time of trial; keep their dignity in spite of many hardships, ill heath, disappointments, and refusal after refusal, lack of shelter and very often the basics for life. I have heard many stories of survival, torture and trauma. I have seen depression turn to despair and physical health start to deteriorate yet it is wonderful to see the support JRS gives to our friends.”

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A committed group of Religious who work with the Jesuit Refugee Service in East London are continuing their help to the destitute amid the coronavirus crisis. Several of those who usually volunteer at the day centre in Wapping have found new methods of helping; they’re telephoning around to get information to support deliveries of essential supplies by a newly established Emergency Response Team.

In addition, the weekly women’s prayer group at the JRS centre has begun again via zoom teleconferencing, with a couple of Religious facilitating it. Also, many of the Religious are taking part in a new morning prayer call that JRS has started since the outbreak.

JRS is keen to invite other Religious to get involved with the vital work they do with refugees and migrants.

Below are some thoughts from Religious already involved in the day centre:

Ursuline Sr Vianney Connolly has experience of offering accommodation to refugees in the congregational house.

What does it mean to bring this work with refugees at JRS UK into your ministry?

“Hosting JRS UK guests (women who are destitute as they wait and wait for their Asylum claim to be accepted) was a blessing to our community. We provided a home and safety for 5 women. It enabled us "to share our bread with the hungry, and shelter the homeless poor."

What do you think you bring to the work? And what do you take away from it?

Visiting the women detained at Heathrow, I hopefully bring to these women from all over the world, whose ages range from 20-60 years, a chance to unload their burdens. As almost all have faith of some kind I try to help them become aware of another presence sharing this dark time with them. An offer of carrying their needs in prayer is almost always welcomed.

What I take from it is sometimes frustration because language has been a barrier to communication. Most times I leave with joy from my encounters with so many beautiful people. I feel enriched, and humbled that they have trusted the secrets of their lives to me.

Why did you choose this work particularly? Why do you think it matters and is important?

I chose visiting after hearing a talk from JRS. Being technically "retired" I had time to give to others and was aware of Pope Francis urging us Religious to "Go out, Go out"... I think this JRS work matters because it means that if I go to Heathrow, Christ has another way of presence there. As a branch of the vine, Christ reaches out to the women through me. This energises me and gives me courage.

Sr Rose Mary Harbinson RNDM :

To work with those detained is a privilege. When these men share their story it is humbling and a realisation that this world suffers in so many ways unknown to many.

What I bring to the work: Myself: - my own vulnerability and frustration when I don’t have the answers and the ability to give solace to these often broken men. However, I try to hear and accompany them when they share and explore every avenue to get some sense of freedom and control of their lives. My positivity and listening often gives them a chance to believe!

I choose this work with JRS because I accompanied one of our domestics held in detention at Yarl’s Wood and was horrified to see how she was treated and approached JRS for help and advice and knew immediately this was a calling to journey, even voluntarily, with such broken people.

It is a very important ministry in our Church and world today. Many people are displaced for various reasons and seeking a home somewhere in the world. JRS opens its arms and heart to those who are neglected and unknown to many. Their service, advocacy and accompaniment means that vulnerable human beings are recognised and important; even if unsuccessful in gaining asylum, they are recognised as individual persons (God’s work of art) who are loved and given a dignity by JRS in their shared journey and quest for freedom and peace.

Servite, Sr Rachel O’Riordan:

Taking as our inspiration Mary, at the foot of the cross, and governed by the charism of compassion embodied in our Constitutions I sought a ministry which might enlarge my vision and give me a better understanding of what was meant by accompaniment. It turned out that the journey of accompanying a refugee friend is both a unique privilege and a voyage of discovery. Marvelling at their resilience in the midst of so many ‘setbacks’ I find myself increasingly grateful for the blessings of my own life.

Above all else, I hope that I bring to the ministry a listening non-judgemental ear, free from prejudice and opinions. I try to respect the point our friends have reached on their journey and not to ask questions but simply to allow a relationship to develop built on consistency and mutual respect. In a book written by Sister Joyce Rupp, she writes ...'Bless the words in me waiting to be and abide in my words so that others will feel safe in my presence'. I would like to hope that those whom I encounter at JRS experience something of this when we converse.

I make my journey home in a spirit of reflective gratitude. Based not purely on my own good fortune but in the recognition demonstrated over and over how despite hardships and disappointment the human spirit can thrive and flourish. This is achieved at JRS because our refugee friends can meet in a safe and sacred space. They do not seek advice (except from those qualified to give it) but seek instead a place where they can rest awhile, a place where love abounds, where friendships are valued, and confidences are kept.

It matters that in an increasingly xenophobic society JRS should continue to demonstrate those values of inclusivity and welcome. Refugees are often treated with hostility and anger and of course, it is a risk to ‘stand up and stand out’ but if JRS doesn’t do it, then who will?

Sr Angela Murphy:

I am a member of the Congregation of the Religious Sisters of Charity. Our Foundress, Mary Aikenhead, was born in 1787 in Cork, Ireland. In 1815 she founded the Religious Sisters of Charity as a direct response to the poverty she saw all around her. Her motto: Caritas Christi Urget Nos, the Love of Christ urges us on. (2 Cor. 5:14) is very much alive today. We also follow Ignatian Spirituality and our Charism, Service of the Poor.

My fourth Vow of Service of the Poor is an expression of Social Justice which I bring to my work as a Volunteer at JRS, UK, always engaging in advocacy, action and prayer for our friends the Refugees. Linking and networking with Staff, Volunteers and Refugees, with others in our quest for Social Justice, peace and the integrity of each person.

I am humbled to accompany our friends on their journey. They remain positive in time of trial; keep their dignity in spite of many hardships, ill heath, disappointments, and refusal after refusal, lack of shelter and very often the basics for life. I have heard many stories of survival, torture and trauma. I have seen depression turn to despair and physical health start to deteriorate yet it is wonderful to see the support JRS gives to our friends.

I have signed and respect the Core Values at JRS and the Mission Statement to accompany, serve and advocate. 

Sister Margaret Muldoon is a day centre volunteer, doing phone support at the moment

Sister Margaret Muldoon is a day centre volunteer, doing phone support at the moment

Sr Margaret Muldoon, a Sister of the Holy Family of Bordeaux.

What does it mean to bring this work with refugees at JRS UK into your ministry?

At an international level we have taken the option to “be with” people “on the move” and this has become an important part of our ministry at local level, with special attention given to refugees, displaced persons, homeless and others “on the margins”.  JRS is one of the groups we collaborate closely with. It is a well organised faith group that puts the emphasis on welcome, hospitality, accompaniment and advocating and has diverse ways of supporting asylum seekers. Respecting their dignity, they provide a place where they can feel “at home,” where they are treated as “friends “and where they can receive support and help.

There is also the possibility to provide accommodation in our communities to homeless women refugees, an opportunity which we avail of and which we find enriching and rewarding.  Accompaniment and support of host communities and families is given by JRS.

What do you think you bring to the work?

Conviction that this is a priority for ministry in the reality of today; supported by the options of our Congregation; experience of internationality and encounters with diverse cultures. The call to a Gospel response in line with our Charism and spirituality. The inspiration of Pope Francis and his constant challenge to be on the side of the marginalised, in his words it is an invitation to recover some of those essential dimensions of our Christian existence and our humanity that risk being overlooked in a prosperous society. That is why it is not just about migrants. When we show concern for them, we also show concern for ourselves, for everyone; in taking care of them, we all grow; in listening to them, we also give voice to a part of ourselves that we may keep hidden because it is not well regarded nowadays. (World day of refugees and migrants 2019)

And what do you take away from it?

I take away so much.  The experience of encountering women and men who have lost everything and have nothing and yet live with such hope and gratitude is spite of the enormous challenges they face. Their capacity to endure rejection, insecurity, destitution and yet continue to face each day with trust and even smiles; their ability to reach out to others in similar situations and to relate to the staff and volunteers at the Centre. Their unwavering faith in their God. It challenges my life, invites me to an awareness and appreciation of all that I have.  These are my sisters and brothers and my encounters with them enable me to be aware of the unjust and disrespectful way people “on the margins” are treated and the prejudices, discrimination and false information that circulates in the media and elsewhere.  In the midst of consumerism and all the other “isms” of our society, I am challenged to an awareness of how I may contribute to this reality and of the call to witness to an alternative gospel response. The challenge is also to find meaning in the midst of the pain and struggle of the people on the margins and to accompany them with love, understanding and compassion.  To find the moments of grace in our journeying with them and to be open to the glimpses of insight and transformation that are there when we keep our hearts open. Perhaps the words of the poet, Mary Oliver, speak here: “I tell you this to break your heart, to break your heart open, that it never again be closed to the world.”

And Pope Francis: ““Before all else, the Gospel invites us to respond to the God of love… to go forth from ourselves to seek the good of others.”

Anything else?

I would like to add that it is very life-giving, rewarding and enjoyable to work with staff and volunteers who are open, friendly and committed to this service.  There are also opportunities for support and on-going training in issues related to the work.

Comments from Sisters of the Society of the Sacred Heart:

What does it mean to bring this work with refugees at JRS into your ministry?

This work is a culmination of years of living in a neighbourhood community in a four bedroomed house where refugees and people in these situations have been part of our lives for 30 years. Our ministries have involved teaching ESOL and volunteering in a refugee project in the borough as well as other refugee concerns that have presented themselves.

What do you bring to the work and what do you take away from it?

We bring the gospel of love, concern and compassion in some small way to people in set their time of need. Doing this Hosting is helping us to be more flexible and open both practically and in our attitude to those who live with us. We share our kitchen and facilities equally as well as giving them a room.

We are learning to have greater respect for people and their aspirations. We like it that now we know the people personally rather meeting a more distant and unconnected set of people as in a refugee centre etc.  We are also appreciative of the clear directives in JRS. It gives us great support at times when emotions could become entangled.

Why did you choose this work particularly? Why do you think it matters and is important?

We found ourselves with a spare room which is more accessible to a younger person and because we’ve had so much contact with such people over the years and, knowing the difficulties of failed asylum seekers, we felt we could offer and share our abundant resources. And so Hosting is something we feel we can do but it has to be as a community and therefor would need to be taken into account should anyone else join the community.

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Bernadette Kehoe Bernadette Kehoe

A Tribute in remembrance of Sr Ita Keane by Saidul Saeed

It has been an absolute privilege and honour to organise with Sr Ita - winning big changes with some of our city’s poorest and most disadvantaged communities. Her legacy to broad based community organising in the UK would be ‘every chapter needs a nun’.

By Saidul Saeed, Birmingham Citizens UK Organiser

One  year ago we lost our rock: Sr Ita Keane (1945-2019) to a tragic road traffic accident.

Sr Ita Keane RSM was the Director of St Mary’s Convent, an inner-city Birmingham Catholic convent established 178 years ago on Hunters Road in Lozells (St Francis, Handsworth parish). The convent has been the epicentre of all meeting, training and reflecting by civil society leaders across Citizens UK in Birmingham since 2012. And for almost a decade previously, it was where neighbourhood leaders gathered to respond to major local episodes of riots, crime and hardship.

Sr Ita was the force behind St Mary’s Convent and together with a brilliant team helped turn it into a popular community anchor institution in the parish and beyond. ‘The Sisters’ have been amongst our chapter’s most consistent and courageous campaigners. Arguably the best Brum example of Catholic social teaching in action.

Here, I would like to pull out four traits of Sr Ita which would be helpful to all of us organising today:

1. Know the real-life stories of people in your community

In our 1-2-1s, she always raised a story of an individual or a family she was working with to overcome a hardship they were facing. She never quoted a story she read in the press to root her knowledge of community issues. Had never watched ‘I, Daniel Blake’ because she was regularly in the company of families with lived experience. Many of these families’ stories became powerful ‘in-person’ testimonies at our Assemblies and campaigns.

2. Power analysis helps you overcome distraction

Sr Ita understood the importance of doing a power analysis: who has the authority to make the change happen and how are decisions actually made? This was very important to her because as the head of a busy organisation with a building and projects to oversee, the myriad of repeat city summits, seminars and conferences became overwhelming distractions. So, community organising allowed her to pinpoint her participation to negotiating with power directly at the best moments.

3. Have attention to detail

We often cite three ingredients to a good action: ‘Agenda, Logistics and Turnout’. Whilst ‘Agenda’ is determined by stories, issues and power analysis taking up a considerable amount of time, Sr Ita was integral to our Organisers improving on logistics and coordinating turnout.

As the staff team were based in the Convent, she often made time to stop by to ask how our Assembly planning or the next public action was developing – sometimes coming with a cuppa and cake! At every Assembly she would pledge a turnout of 30 and within 2 weeks (yes, not the day before) of the event send a list of names of who would be attending. She had worked out how everyone would get there as well as having arranged necessary childcare arrangements for those who needed it.

4. Take time to pause and chill

Humour and kind banter are a regular feature of life in St Mary’s Convent. In community organising we deal with some heart-wrenching issues testing us emotionally and spiritually. Though we talk about separating the public (campaigns) and private (health & wellbeing), both do intertwine regularly. Sr Ita was apt at getting a non-stop person like me to put the brakes on and get away from it even if it was through jokes whilst we were in the ‘thick of it’.

It has been an absolute privilege and honour to organise with Sr Ita -  winning big changes with some of our city’s poorest and most disadvantaged communities. Her legacy to broad based community organising in the UK would be ‘every chapter needs a nun’. They will keep us in good organising habit.

With best wishes,


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Bernadette Kehoe Bernadette Kehoe

Advice on confinement from an Ampleforth monk


Fr Chad Boulton of Ampleforth Abbey was interviewed on BBC Radio York after devising a set of useful guidelines to help people cope with isolation and confinement at this unsettling time.

Fr Chad’s ‘commandments of confinement’:

1.       don’t fret if things aren’t perfect - take the long view

2.       don’t keep checking the greener grass - flourish where you are planted

3.       don’t panic - remember that you are standing on solid ground

4.       don’t stamp your foot – tread lightly with a humble humour

5.       don’t be a martyr - freely offer your help

6.       don’t be too proud - muck in and get your hands dirty

7.       don’t force the pace - learn how to rest and relax together

8.       don’t try too hard – find some time just for yourself

9.       don’t focus on the faults of others  - celebrate what they have that you don’t

10.     don’t try to do this alone - pray for and with each other

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Bernadette Kehoe Bernadette Kehoe

Stations of the Resurrection : Via Lucis

“Pray that the Holy Spirit comes into your home in this lockdown. The beauty of the Spirit is that it cannot be lock-downed: pray that you WILL live life to the max in the way that is going to support and help you, your families and those close to you. Jesus says to you today, “l have come that you might have LIFE and have it to the FULL.” When this is all over, share your stories of resilience and true faith…..because all over the world the Spirit is moving. As the Holy Spirit once again renews the world, so too are we renewed.”


Reflections by Fr.Gerry O’Shaughnessy, SDB


There is an increasing convergence upon the following as a recognised list of Stations of the Resurrection: You could do these stations as a meditation in one go – or take one each day …

 Prepare - (children could do this) Light a candle /turn on a lamp beside an open Gospel.

For each station, you could place a small foot/flame/butterfly/egg/ flower– these the children could draw and colour prior to the service… OR place a symbol for each station…… 

(At the end of each station, copy and paste the youtube link into google then listen and watch. If you haven’t got access to youtube, then choose your favourite Easter hymn and sing a verse or two.)

Take a few moments of quiet; make the sign of the cross together – and add an Alleluia on the end….

Start with a Song/music of welcome; e.g. Come into his presence singing Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

For we have grown into union with Christ through a death like His, we shall also be united with Him in the resurrection.      If, then, we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall live with Him.     Consequently, you too must think of yourselves as being dead to sin and living for God in Christ Jesus: (Romans 6: 5, 7, 11).

Let us walk this pilgrimage of faith, the Via Lucis, as daughters and sons of the light and as witnesses of the Risen Lord. Let us meditate upon the resurrection of Christ and discover the pathway of light that Christ brings us…

First Station: Jesus Rises from the Dead.  We adore You, O Christ and we praise You! Because by the Wood of the Cross and the Light of the Resurrection:

You have redeemed the world!


“The angel of the Lord said to the women: 'Do not be afraid! I know that you are seeking Jesus the crucified. He is not here, for He has been raised just as He said." (Matthew 28: 5b-6a)On the first day of the week, at the dawning of the new creation, Jesus rose from the dead. None of the Gospels actually record that point of Jesus bursting out from the tomb-all we have is an empty tomb and linen clothes no longer needed. Like the women and most of the Apostles on that first Easter Day, the Resurrection demands a personal faith response from each of us. How is that total unconditional love of God going to impact in my life?

Christ has burst through that barrier of death and invites each of us to share that new life- are you prepared to take this risk today and break into a new relationship with God and others? 


This is the day, Lord God, that You have made! Raising Christ from the dead, and raising us with Christ, You have fashioned for Yourself a new people. As we hear the word that brings salvation, make our hearts burn within us. Through the presence of every friend and stranger, reveal to us the face of the One who had first to suffer, but who has entered now into glory, Jesus Christ, our Passover and our Peace, living and reigning with You, forever and ever. Amen.

SING: This is the day, this is the day, when He rose again, when He rose again We will rejoice, we will rejoice are glad in it and are glad in it.

This is the day when he rose again, we will rejoice and be glad in it, This is the day that the Lord has made.

Second Station: Mary Magdalene meets the risen Jesus 

We adore You, O Christ and we praise You! Because by the Wood of the Cross and the Light of the Resurrection:

You have redeemed the world!

Mary, Apostle to the Apostles


"She turned around and saw Jesus there, but did not know it was Jesus. Jesus said to her, 'Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you looking for?' She thought He was the gardener and said to Him, 'Sir, if you carried Him away, tell me where you laid Him, and I will take Him.' Jesus said to her, 'Mary!" She turned and said to Him in Hebrew, ‘Rabbouni,’ which means Teacher. Jesus said to her, 'Stop holding on to Me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to My brothers and tell them, 'I am going to My Father and your Father, to My God and your God.' Mary of Magdalen went and announced to the disciples, 'I have seen the Lord,' and what He told her" (John 20: 14b-18).


In the Gospel of John, a close friend of Jesus is tasked to bring the gospel, literally the good news of the resurrection, to the Apostles. This close friend is Mary of Magdala, the woman who cares. However, in first century Palestine, women could NOT be witnesses in any court of law. Yet it is this woman who is the most important leading witness in the history of salvation. Jesus calls her by name and He tasks her to share that intimacy and love with those living in exile. So for those of us sharing that isolation in our own “upper rooms”, Mary’s announcement points to hope and new life.

God our Father, You will that all people be saved and come to the knowledge of Your truth. Send workers into Your great harvest that the Gospel may be preached to every creature. May Your people, gathered together by the word of life and strengthened by the power of the sacraments, advance in the way of salvation. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Song: DO YOU HEAR THE PEOPLE SING (from the musical Les Misérables)


Third Station: The Apostles discover the empty tomb

We adore You, O Christ and we praise You! Because by the Wood of the Cross and the Light of the Resurrection:

You have redeemed the world!  

"Then the other disciple also went in, the one who had arrived at the tomb first, and he saw and believed" (John 20: 8).

 The tomb was not proof of Resurrection but it spurred the disciples to search for their Risen friend. In the empty streets, parks and shuttered shops, theatres and even Churches, you can see Jesus. As you watch or listen to Mass celebrated by a priest very often on his own, we share that spirit of emptiness in a real way. Pray for those who really do feel empty and lonely in these times that they may find the Lord. If you can, go to a lonely place in your mind and pray, in solidarity, for those who have to face loneliness.


God our Father, creator of all, today is the day of overwhelming joy. The Lord appeared to those who had begun to lose hope and opened their eyes to what the Scriptures foretold: that first He must die and then rise. May the Risen Lord breathe on our minds and open our eyes that we may know Him in the breaking of bread, and follow Him in His risen life. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Song: Outrageous Grace


Fourth Station: Pilgrims to Emmaus

We adore You, O Christ and we praise You! Because by the Wood of the Cross and the Light of the Resurrection,

You have redeemed the world!  

"...It happened that while they were conversing and debating, Jesus Himself drew near and walked with them, but their eyes were prevented from recognizing Him               And……

He said to them, 'Oh, how foolish you are! How slow of heart to believe all that the prophets spoke! Was it not necessary that the Messiah should suffer these things and enter into His glory?' Then beginning with Moses and all the prophets, He interpreted to them what referred to Him in all the scriptures" (Luke 24: 15, 25-27).

In these times of lockdown and isolation, we can identify all too well with the disciples on their journey AWAY from Jerusalem, the place of lockdown and isolation for the friends of Jesus. They are grieving and feel abandoned and lost; it is the stranger on their road home that makes them experience life to the full again. However, it is only by allowing Jesus into their own isolation and pain that they can experience the overwhelming love of God as they share a meal together.


It is at the table of plenty that these disciples realise that they are actually missionaries and return BACK to the isolation of the Upper Room to bring Good News. Perhaps we can once again invite Jesus into our own homes in our isolation; why not say a grace before meals and make that presence that little more obvious?

A traditional Palestinian Meal


Lord God, as disciples on our pilgrimage, we implore Jesus Christ: stay with us, Lord. Open our hearts to true conversion and, as we have known the Lord in the breaking of the bread, so make us witnesses of a new humanity, renewed, reconciled and at peace in Your love. Send us as heralds of the repentance and forgiveness You offer to all in the name of Jesus, who lives and reigns with You, forever and ever. Amen.

Music: WALK ON (new version with the amazing and inspirational Capt Tom)

Fifth Station: Jesus is recognised in the breaking of bread

The crusader church at Abu Gosh (one of the 7 possible villages -Emmaus)


We adore You, O Christ and we praise You! Because by the Wood of the Cross and the Light of the Resurrection, You have redeemed the world!

" ...They urged Him, 'Stay with us, for it is nearly evening and the day is almost over.' So He went in to stay with them. And it happened that while He was with them at table, He took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them. With that, their eyes were opened and they recognized Him, but He vanished from their sight. Then they said to each other, 'Were not our hearts burning within us while He spoke to us on the way and opened the                scriptures to us’" (Luke 24: 29-32).

In these days of physical isolation “going to Mass” has taken on a whole new meaning: we now have to sit in front of our laptop or mobile and connect to our parish via the worldwide web. The irony of physical isolation is that, for many of us, our sense of community has never been stronger. Perhaps you could take a bread roll and break it open, sharing with those who share the table with you, even remotely through Zoom or Skype. In these trying times, Jesus is using YOU to feed your family: feed them with your stories, with your memories and, above all, with your PRESENCE and LOVE. One day you will look back on these strange times and realise that you have deepened your sense of community and that the BODY OF CHRIST is a reality in your family. As you grace your table today, pray for everyone who has got that food to your table. Remember that the Risen Lord sits with you, he is the guest at your table today: enjoy his company.


You are truly blessed, O God of holiness: You accompany us with love as we journey through life. Blessed too, is Your Son, Jesus Christ, who is present among us, and whose love gathers us together. As once He did for His disciples, Christ now opens the Scriptures for us and breaks the bread. May the Eucharist we celebrate guide us to the fullness of Christ's life. We pray in the power of Christ's Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.


(why not get your children (if no children – do it yourself) to set the table in your home along with the song? You will need –(verse 1 - a white cloth; verse 2 – some bread; verse 3 – a glass of wine; for the last verse – ask the children to make cards for key workers – decorate them and one the last verse, place them on the table….)

Sixth Station: Jesus appears to the community of the Apostles


We adore You, O Christ and we praise You!

Because by the Wood of the Cross and the Light of the Resurrection, You have redeemed the world!  

"'Why are you troubled? And why do questions arise in your hearts? Look at My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself. Touch Me and see, because a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you can see I have,' And as He said this, He showed them His hands and His feet" (Luke 24: 38-40).  

The disciples from Emmaus, the ones with “burning hearts” have now become missionaries: they return to the Upper Room to share the Gospel of New Life, the gospel of Resurrection. In that place of physical isolation, that we can all too easily identify with, Jesus reveals his own brokenness. To the group gathered there (remember Thomas was out probably shopping or taking exercise) Jesus shows them his wounds in the midst of glory. In these hard times, Jesus is sharing his brokenness with us too; when we are ready to admit our own personal brokenness, the Lord of life brings us his life. Each of us are wounded healers who can bring joy and new life to our world.  


God of unchanging power and light, look with favour and mercy on the entire community, especially in these challenging times. Bring us your lasting care to your family, so that the world may see the fallen lifted up, the old made new, and all things brought to perfection, through Him who is our origin, our Lord Jesus Christ who lives and reigns forever and ever Amen  

Song: I’VE BEEN THIS WAY BEFORE (Neil Diamond)  

Seventh Station: Risen Lord brings peace

We adore You, O Christ and we praise You! Because by the Wood of the Cross and the Light of the Resurrection, You have redeemed the world!

"Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, 'Peace be with you'... The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, 'Peace be with you. As the Father has sent Me, so I send you.' And when He had said this, He breathed on them and said to them, 'Receive the Holy Spirit.” (Jn 20)


Throughout the history of salvation, as recorded in the Bible, the messengers of God (the angels) brought a similar greeting, “Do not be AFRAID.” God wants to take away any trace of fear and, in this time of international disaster, there are millions of fearful people. The Apostles were full of hope for the ministry and Gospel of Jesus-they saw their lives as one great big Palm Sunday! Reality kicked in for them on Good Friday as most of the Apostles choose to self- isolate in the Upper Room having seen what happened to Jesus. In glory, shown through pain and suffering, Jesus wants to take away fear, pain and personal sin; thus the greeting is natural and it is a greeting for us too in these uncertain times: “PEACE BE WITH YOU!” As we reflect at this station, we need to reflect on our own lives too: are we prepared to bring peace, especially with those we are living with here and now? If we cannot bring peace to those in our homes and family, how can we possibly bring peace and that living spirit of God to a troubled world?


God of perfect peace, violence and cruelty can have no part of You-we ask that our homes be sanctuaries of your peace. May those who are at peace with one another hold fast to the good will that unites them; may those who are enemies forget their hatred and be healed. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Song: Deep Peace (Gaelic blessing by John Rutter sung by LIBERA)   

Eighth Station: Jesus strengthens the faith of Thomas

We adore You, O Christ and we praise You! Because by the Wood of the Cross and the Light of the Resurrection, You have redeemed the world! 

"Thomas...was not with them when Jesus came. Thomas said, 'Unless I see the mark of the nails in His hands and put my finger into the nail marks and put my hand into His side, I will not believe'...Jesus came. and stood in their midst and said, 'Peace be with you.' Then He said to Thomas, 'Put your finger here and see My hands, and bring your hand and put it into My side, and do not be unbelieving, but believe'  Blessed are those who do not see and yet believe." (John 20: 24- 29).


Thomas is known through history as “the doubter”; perhaps it would be better to refer to him as “Honest Thomas”. For whatever reason, he is not in the Upper Room on that first Easter Day and simply refuses to believe the witness statements of Mary and his colleagues: he has to put his hands into those wounds of Jesus. An Apostle of Jesus, Thomas is true to himself. It is to the same Thomas that Jesus reveals Himself as “the Way, the Truth and the Life.” In these difficult times of physical isolation, we all have probably doubted where we can find God in this global pandemic that is bringing so much misery and pain. We are invited at this Station to be just like Thomas and recognise the suffering of Christ all too obvious in our communities today. We are invited to acclaim with Thomas, “my Lord and my God.” If we can see God in the midst of all this, then we can see God in anything. The very first book of the Bible tells us quite clearly that we are all made “in the image and likeness of God” and no one is exempt from that unconditional salvation that Jesus offers.

Pray, at this Station, that you can be honest just like Thomas.  


Heavenly Father and God of mercy, we no longer look for Jesus among the dead, for He is alive and has become the Lord of life. From the waters of death, You raise us up with Him and renew Your gift of life within us. Increase in our minds and hearts the risen life we share with Christ and help us to grow as Your honest people toward the fullness of eternal life with You. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.  



Ninth Station: Jesus has breakfast with his friends on the shore of Galilee  

We adore You, O Christ and we praise You! Because by the Wood of the Cross and the Light of the Resurrection, You have redeemed the world!

St.Peter’s Fish  

"Jesus said to them, 'Bring some of the fish you just caught.' So Simon Peter went over and dragged the net ashore full of one hundred fifty-three large fish. Even though there were so many, the net was not torn. Jesus said to them, 'Come, have breakfast.' And none of His disciples dared to ask Him, 'Who are You?' because they realized it was the Lord" (John 21: 10-12).

On the shore of Galilee, the Risen Lord meets his friends as they try to return to normality: even these master fishermen cannot catch a bite! Jesus, their friend is there for them: not only does he work yet another miracle of multiplication but he cooks them breakfast. Ever the PRACTICAL friend, Jesus offers sustenance; he is that available presence when they need him. He offers them a challenge: cast your nets out in a different way. Again in these harsh times, we are discovering a new way to live and be the BODY OF CHRIST. We are called to be a eucharistic people and to share our time, food and energy in these challenging times. You can be that one individual who makes a difference today-are you up for the challenge: can you be the change that makes a difference?


Father in heaven, author of all truth, a people once in darkness has listened to Your Word and followed Your Son as He rose from the tomb. Hear the prayer of this new born people and strengthen Your Church to answer Your call. May we rise and come into the light of day to stand in Your presence until eternity dawns. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Song:  SHINE LIKE THE SUN (Dolly Parton)    

Tenth Station: Jesus asks Peter to lead the Community in Love.

 We adore You, O Christ and we praise You! Because by the Wood of the Cross and the Light of the Resurrection, You have redeemed the world!


 "When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, 'Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these?'... Peter was distressed that Jesus had said to him a third time, 'Do you love Me?' and he said to Him, 'Lord, You know everything, You know that I love You.' Jesus said to him, 'Feed my sheep Follow Me' " (John 21: 15, 17b, 19b).

In the context of forgiveness, love and a hearty breakfast, Jesus and Peter have an honest exchange. Peter has let Jesus down and now is his chance to show how that the relationship is important. Jesus has founded his Community on the basis of love; the ministry and teaching of Jesus exemplified that love in WORD and DEED. When we are faced with deception, hurt and that feeling of being let down, it is only a realisation of that unconditional LOVE of God will get us through. Peter, as that first servant-leader of that infant Christian community, is tasked to lead with love. Perhaps at this station, we can remember our own servant-leaders trying to offer care and companionship in these difficult times. Above everything else, above dogma, rules and regulations, the Christian Community today must be a family of respect, care and love to raise people up to the light of Resurrection.  


Father, fill our hearts with the fire of Your love and the desire to ensure justice for our brothers and sisters. By sharing the good things You give us, may we secure justice and equality for every human being, an end to all division, and a human society built on love and peace. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen

Song: YOU RAISE ME UP (Westlife) 

Eleventh Station: Jesus asks his friends to preach a Gospel of love and to make a real difference  

We adore You, O Christ and we praise You! Because by the Wood of the Cross and the Light of the Resurrection, You have redeemed the world!


"'Go therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age'" (Matt. 28: 19- 20).

Jesus has great expectations for his Apostles: the reality of incarnation is that God trusts humanity. Jesus trusts these broken ones to spread the good news by their word and example. Through the living waters of baptism, we have all been invited to share this mission. In walking these stations, we have seen that those original witnesses to Resurrection become missionaries. In these days of isolation you are physically unable to go before the nations, but, through social media and our increased time for prayer, we can bring the Gospel to more than just those we are living with. Perhaps you can use Facebook or WhatsApp to reach out to a long forgotten friend to show that you still do care.

Remember that the Little Flower, St Teresa is Patroness of the Missions and she NEVER left her convent.


God of all creation, whose mighty power raised Jesus from the dead, be present to this community of disciples whom You have called to the hope of a glorious inheritance among the saints. Strengthen us in the power of the Spirit to go and make disciples of all nations, to obey everything that Jesus Christ has commanded us, and to know that He is with us always

Music: taken from the movie THE MISSION

Twelfth Station: Jesus goes home to his family in heaven

 We adore You, O Christ and we praise You! Because by the Wood of the Cross and the Light of the Resurrection, You have redeemed the world!


 "So then the Lord Jesus, after He spoke to them, was taken up into heaven and took His seat at the right hand of God. But they went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the word through accompanying signs" (Mark 16: 19- 20).

From scripture we see that family is very important: we believe God to be a family or Trinity of equals. Down through sacred history we see the importance of family life and the need for a proper loving relationship of equals so beautifully expressed in the nuptial blessing in the sacrament of marriage. Jesus was born into a loving family and shared that family spirit with other families such as Lazarus, Martha and Mary. He has walked and taught his disciples, he has experienced love, elation, rejection, pain, death and glory to new life. Now is the time to move on and say a fond and loving “goodbye!” He will never desert them; his love for them is eternal. Perhaps now is a good time to think of those who have left your lives abruptly. In This time of enforced physical separation, those we love, living or gone home to the Lord, will ALWAYS be in our hearts because nothing can separate us from that embrace and love of God. Pray now for those who make a difference in your life: for family, for friends and for friends who have become family, especially in these uncertain times.


Eternal God, clothe us now with Your power. With the eyes of our hearts enlightened, may we come to understand the immeasurable greatness of Your power at work in us who believe. In that strength, may we boldly pronounce the Good News of our salvation to everyone. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen


Music: Take me Home (Phil Coulter)

Thirteenth Station: The Apostles gather with Mary – waiting!

 We adore You, O Christ and we praise You! Because by the Wood of the Cross and the Light of the Resurrection, You have redeemed the world!

 (the Upper Room)

 "When they entered the city, they went to the upper room where they were staying.  All [the apostles] devoted themselves with one accord to prayer, together with some women, and Mary, the mother of Jesus, and His brothers" (Acts 1: 13a, 14).

I suspect most of us can identify very strongly with this station: the disciples, family and friends of Jesus are gathered in self -isolation. They, like us at this moment in time, are gathered in prayer and reflection. Once again they are gathered in a place of safety and familiarity in the room of Eucharist. They are there in vigil to await the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. As you gather in your own “upper room”, your sanctuary in these times of suffering and isolation, pray for a just and fitting end. For a return to work and school, to a time when we can sit and enjoy the sun in the local park; when we can have a night out with friends and make friendship and family a living reality once more. Until then, let us join with the Apostles, gathered in prayer with Mary as we can pray: HAIL MARY, FULL OF GRACE......


Father most holy, see Your Church gathered here in prayerful worship like the first disciples and Mary in the Upper Room. Grant that we may accomplish, in the joy of the Holy Spirit, all that You give us to do in the world. May we gladly share in Christ's sufferings so as to rejoice when His glory is revealed. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Fourteenth Station: The first Christian family is blessed by the Holy Spirit  

We adore You, O Christ and we praise You! Because by the Wood of the Cross and the Light of the Resurrection, You have redeemed the world!

 "... Suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and can to rest on each of them. They were all all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim"(Acts 2: 2-4).


The glory as isolation ends! The very first Christian family can now move from the Upper Room as the Holy Spirit gives them strength, power and love to go out to the whole world and proclaim GOOD news. There has not been much good news to share as we watch the daily Covid-19 news conference. However, our staying home and adhering to all the rules and regulations about physical distancing is a minor miracle in itself. We are taking to heart that STAYING HOME DOES SAVE LIVES. In the midst of all this international pandemic, God is STILL with us and the ways that we support each other is a visible sign of that reality. As you pray this final station, pray that the Holy Spirit comes into your home in this lockdown. The beauty of the Spirit is that it cannot be lock-downed: pray that you WILL live life to the max in the way that is going to support and help you, your families and those close to you. Jesus says to you today, “l have come that you might have LIFE and have it to the FULL.” When this is all over, share your stories of resilience and true faith: like the little girl who loved sharing the fullness and depth of the Easter Story instead of the usual Easter Egg hunt! Share GOOD NEWS like this because all over the world the Spirit is moving. As the Holy Spirit once again renews the world, so too are we renewed.


Father in heaven, through this spiritual journey, You have reminded us of the fullness of the mystery of Your revealed love. See Your people gathered in prayer, open to receive the Spirit's flame. May it come to rest in our hearts and disperse the divisions of word and tongue. With one voice and one song, may we praise Your name in joy and thanksgiving. Grant this through Christ our Lord, and in the power of the Spirit, both now and forevermore. Amen

Music: GLORIA (Vivaldi)


Final prayer moment

During Lent we walked the WAY of the CROSS, while in this time of Easter joy, we walk the VIA LUCIS-a pilgrimage of LIGHT. As the great Easter Vigil reminds us, we are invited to move from darkness to light as we journey with the Risen Lord. This 2020 experience of faith and what it is to be Church and a praying community, has radically changed our experiences. When we are asked to return to NORMAL, let us pray that the good things we have learnt about family and friendship during this time of lockdown will remain with us in the NEW NORMAL. Let us make a commitment today that we will make time and commit to spending time in reflection and prayer; why not get a group of friends together and spend time on pilgrimage/Camino? If you can make Lourdes, the Holy Land or Santiago then that is wonderful but as Captain Tom has shown us as he prepared for his hundredth birthday, you can even walk around your garden or the local park. Make that journey as a symbol of your faith moving FORWARD to the LIGHT. 

" ... Jesus Himself, through them, sent forth from east to west the sacred and imperishable proclamation of eternal salvation. Amen" (Mark 16:8, the Shorter Ending ).

Through the Via Lucis, we have shared our pilgrim journey with the Risen Lord. As servants and witnesses of Christ, let us now pray in the way our Saviour taught us: “Our Father...”  

Lord, may everything we do, begin with Your inspiration, continue with Your help, and reach perfection under Your guidance. We ask this through Christ, our Risen Lord. Amen.  

Let us wish each other - Nameste

Why not have a little extra treat as you finish this Via Lucis? Chocolate or a glass of wine might hit the spot; however you celebrate is up to you but PLEASE celebrate.  


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Bernadette Kehoe Bernadette Kehoe

Pastoral letter from Cardinal Nichols


Given as a Pastoral Letter for the Fourth Sunday in Lent (Laetare Sunday), 22nd March 2020

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ,

You need no words from me to state the grave seriousness of the crisis of the spread of the coronavirus around the world and throughout this country. We know the steps and the sacrifices we must take in order to play our part in slowing its spread, saving lives and enabling the NHS to continue its vital work. These things are our duty before God.

There are other vitally important aspects of this moment in our history that are less prominent in our media and conversations.

At this moment we stand before God. That is never to be forgotten. Together we turn to God in prayer, at this moment as never before. 

Our faith in God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is the bedrock on which we live. Prayer is the first and loving expression of this relationship. Prayer is an acknowledgement that we are not in ultimate control of our lives or of our world. That is so clear at this time. Prayer is the recognition that our lives, individually and communally, are marked by failure and sin. Prayer is an expression of our turning to God for that grace which alone can heal us, strengthen us and give us the resolve and generosity to do all that is rightly expected of us today. Please make this a time of prayer, personally, in the family and wherever you happen to be.

The highest form of prayer is the celebration of the Holy Mass. This is at the heart of the rhythm of the life of the Church, the rhythm of prayer which sustains us all. The present crisis will not disturb that rhythm. Mass will continue to be celebrated, day by day. The prayer of the Church will continue day by day.

What will change is the manner of our participation in those celebrations of the Mass. In response to the pandemic and the official guidance, which we must follow, public participation in the celebration of the Mass is not, for now, possible. This is a sacrifice we have to make. It is not easy, for any Catholic, but it is what we must do.

I want to make it exceptionally clear that the teaching of the Church is that, in these circumstances, the obligation of attending Mass on Sundays and Holy Days no longer applies. Please have no doubt about this.

This does not mean that we lose our love of the Mass or our desire to take part in the celebration of the Mass. Mass will be celebrated, day by day, in your church. There are many ways of taking part in this prayer. Associate yourself with the celebration of the Mass spiritually. Read the Scriptures of the day. Use some of the materials that are available to be close in your heart. Learn again the practice of spiritual communion. If you are helped by a visual participation in the Mass, then go to one of the websites on which that celebration is being streamed. The list of those websites is available to you. There are many ways in which we can deepen our participation in the Mass and our life of prayer in these strange and stressful days. Indeed, they are an opportunity for us to do so.

Two other points. 

Being unable to attend Mass is the experience of many, many Catholics around the world. They are deprived of the Mass through distance, or through violence, or through persecution. We can unite our experience with them and, like them, return to the Mass with fresh love and enthusiasm when, again, it is possible for us to do so, in bigger numbers than ever.

Secondly, you understand well that from our prayer, and from the prayer of the Mass, flows the love and compassion which we want to show to those around us who are in need. Jesus gives himself entirely for us in his sacrifice, the sacrifice made present again for us in every Holy Mass. What we receive from him we offer to others. So please do look out for every way in which you can help those in need around you. Thank you.

We know that this time of crisis is not going to be brief. We are involved in a lengthy battle. We encourage each other. We pray for each other. Together we turn to Mary for her special protection, especially on 29th March when again, in keeping with our ancient tradition, we offer ourselves and our country to her, as our gift, and seeking her protection.

Mary, Mother of Jesus, pray for us
Mary, Mother of Sorrows, pray for us
Mary, Mother of Joys, pray for us.

Yours devotedly,

Cardinal Vincent Nichols
Archbishop of Westminster

PS, I was given this prayer a few days ago. It touched me deeply. It is a prayer for our times:

Dear Guardian Angel, go for me to the church, there kneel down at Mass for me. At the Offertory, take me to God, and offer him my service: What I am, what I have, offer as my gift. At the Consecration, with your seraphic strength, adore my Saviour truly present, praying for those who have loved me, for those who have offended me, and for those now deceased, that the blood of Jesus may purify them all. During Holy Communion, bring to me the Body and Blood of Jesus uniting him with me in spirit, so that my heart may become his dwelling place. Plead with him, that through his sacrifice all people throughout the world may be saved. When the Mass ends, bring home to me and to every home, the Lord's blessing. Amen.

We are still surrounded by the angels and by the saints who are glorifying God and protecting and assisting mankind. Why should we not make them our particular friends and allies in situations where we are touching limits that we cannot overcome?


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Bernadette Kehoe Bernadette Kehoe

Prayers during troubled times

As fear grips our country, let us choose love.
During this time when we cannot physically wrap our arms around each other,
let us yet find ways to be the loving embrace of God to our neighbours


We’re inviting Religious to send us prayers and reflections which we can share via this website as we seek to support each other during this most difficult time. This page will be updated regularly with new offerings. Please email to :

Prayers for the Pandemic: for a household in lockdown

 God of the indoors,

who knew the confines of domestic space

at a time of little comfort,


help us in this time of confinement,

help us to see it as an act of love, in solidarity

with those who care for us and put their own lives

on the line for the sake of others.


Help us to ‘make room’ for each other, even if room is scarce,

help us to find reserves of patience we never knew we had,

to take offence less easily, to find in our hearts

an easy apology when we’re petulant.

Help us to be attentive, careful, and thoughtful.

May we draw deeply from the well

of our most loving times.

Prayers for the Pandemic: for those who are anxious


God of Gethsemane,

who knew deep anxiety,

the desire for the cup to be taken away,

your sweat dropping onto the clay of earth like blood,

be with those who suffer at this time

from anxiety, the fear of their world

running out of control.

The facts alone

fan the embers of anxiety

in all of us: the grim daily numbers,

the fear of falling ill, of facing our end.

In our loneliest darkness,

in the night of our Gethsemane,

may we find you there 



 Prayers for the Pandemic: for the keyworkers

 God of a day’s work,

who knew the early start,

the long shift, the thankless task,

help us to ‘see’ keyworkers in the pandemic

in a new and lasting way –

the ones who leave home to mingle

with the virus

to keep us fed,

keep us safe, keep us clean,

to care for us: in school, in care, in intensive care;

help us to help them by being careful ourselves

and remembering, on the other side of this,

who deserves our esteem, our national applause,

our lasting care. 


Prayers for the Pandemic: for those who miss going to church

God of the last supper,

who knew real presence: a beloved one

reclining into you, holding dusty feet as you poured water


over them, the tug at the hem of your garment,

touch us now, unable to receive

your risen body in church, unable

to gather as your body;

touch us with your word,

handed on from your mouth, from memory,

written down, broken and shared over centuries

from the pulpit, the kitchen table; touch us

with the glimpses we can see of spring,

of our vulnerable brothers and sisters,

of your presence within.

Prayers for the Pandemic: A Morning Prayer for a School Community

God our loving Father

stained glass.JPG

we gather together this morning

but it’s not the same: many of us are not here

and there is distance between those who are –

not the distance of fear or mistrust,

but the distance of care, of thoughtfulness,

the distance that will help us to stop the virus from spreading.

We pray for friends and classmates who are at home.

We know we will see them again in real life

and value their real presence even more, the gift of friendship.

Help us to ‘see’ more clearly what is important,

the good things we had perhaps overlooked,

the small details of everyday life,

graced with your presence.

We pray for a better world to come out of this –

more grateful for the people who do the ordinary jobs,

more just in the way people are treated, more caring for the vulnerable.

We pray for a world which is more determined

to look after the earth, our common home;

a world that will live wisely, think deeply,

love generously.

 We make all our prayers through Christ our Lord. Amen

 ( Raymond Friel )

carmel mother.jpg

Let us pray for all those who have been infected by Covid-19,

for all who fear infection,

for those who cannot move freely,

for the doctors and nurses who concern themselves so generously with those who are sick,

for the researchers who are looking for protective and curative medicine,

that in this crisis of our world God will give us His blessing.

(Silent prayer)

Almighty God, you are our refuge and strength!

Many generations before us have known You as powerful in all their needs.

Help all who are affected by this crisis,

and strengthen in us the belief that You will take care of each and every one of us.

We ask this through Christ, our Lord.

Pope Francis 27 March 2020:


"In these days there's so much suffering. There's a lot of fear... The fear of the elderly who are alone in nursing homes, or hospitals, or in their own homes, and don't know what will happen. The fear of those who don't have regular jobs and are thinking about how to feed their children. They foresee they may go hungry. The fear of many civil servants.

"At this moment they're working to keep society functioning and they might get sick. There's also the fear, the fears, of each one of us. Each one knows what their own fears are. We pray to the Lord that He might help us to trust, and to tolerate and conquer these fears."

 Prayer for a Pandemic


 May we who are merely inconvenienced,
remember those whose lives are at stake.
May we who have no risk factors,
remember those most vulnerable.
May we who have the luxury of working from home,
remember those who must choose between preserving their health or earning their rent.
May we who have the flexibility to care for our children when their schools close,
remember those who have no options.
May we who have to cancel our trips,
remember those who have no safe place to go.
May we who are losing our margin money in the tumult of the economic market,
remember those who have no margin at all.
May we who settle in for a quarantine at home,
remember those who have no home.
As fear grips our country, let us choose love.
During this time when we cannot physically wrap our arms around each other,
let us yet find ways to be the loving embrace of God to our neighbours.


“And the people stayed home:

“And the people stayed home.

And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still.

And listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows.

And the people began to think differently.

And the people healed.

And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal.

And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed.”

-Kitty O’Meara




Dear Sisters and Brothers,

You may or may not be familiar with our Emmaus Online Video Prayer and Meditation Library?   

However, we have received requests from some of our members to extend access to our resources to communities, parishes and various ministry networks,  by way of offering some spiritual support to people during the pandemic and to also help them celebrate Holy Week and Easter.

In response to this need we have prepared a complimentary resource kit of online videos and music downloads for children and adults.  

Follow this link for access to the kit: Spiritual Resource Kit

You are welcome to send this link for the resource kit to your Congregational members, not only for their own use, but also for them to send out to their family, friends, colleagues and networks.

We hope and pray that these resources offer some spiritual comfort and nourishment to you and your communities.

Blessings to each of you during this very distressing time of uncertainty and concern.

Emmaus Productions



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Bernadette Kehoe Bernadette Kehoe

Cardinal Michael Fitzgerald: we are not alone, because we work together

We can say: All you works of the Lord - all you works of religious institutes - O bless the Lord, to God be highest glory and praise for ever.


The Conference of Religious of England & Wales had been due to celebrate the opening of its new offices at Euston, with a Mass celebrated by Cardinal Michael Fitzgerald, on March 26th. We instead join in prayer for an end to the pandemic. Cardinal Michael has kindly shared the homily that he would have delivered to mark this new chapter in Corew’s life:

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Due to the COVID-19 crisis there will be no gathering on this day. The blessing of the new office for COREW will be scheduled for another day which we hope will not be too far in the future. Here in the meantime is a reflection on the gospel passage that we would have heard during the celebration of the Eucharist (Jn 5: 31-47).

“Were I to testify on my own behalf, my testimony would not be valid.”

These are striking words, even more so when we realise that they were spoken by Jesus himself.  Jesus says quite clearly that he cannot bear witness to himself. In fact, the concern of Jesus was to announce the Kingdom of God. He proclaimed this Kingdom, for instance in what could be called his manifesto, when he declared:        The spirit of the Lord has been given to me, for he has anointed me. He has sent me to bring the good news to the poor, to proclaim liberty to captives and to the blind new sight, to set the downtrodden free, to proclaim the Lord’s year of favour (Lk 4:18).

He announced the Kingdom by fulfilling this prophecy through his miracles of healing. Jesus first appeals to the testimony of John the Baptist, the Precursor, who bore witness to him. But he also testifies to the witness of the Father who has sent him and who is always with him, the Father who through the Spirit allows him to perform the works that render testimony to him. It seems to me that these words of Jesus have considerable importance for us who, as religious, wish to be his true disciples.

First, we cannot testify on our own behalf. We are not called to bear witness to ourselves, or even to our own respective institutes. We are called to announce the Kingdom of God, by our words, but even more by our deeds. Attention is not to be focused on ourselves, but on those to whom we are called to reach out: the poor whom we serve, bringing them at the same time assistance and encouragement, approaching them with respect and love; the captives whom we wish to help in order that they may be free, whether they be prisoners, or victims of human trafficking, or simply people completely immersed and bound up in material things; the blind whom we care for, helping them to negotiate the difficulties of life, but also children and young adults – or perhaps even not so young adults – whose minds we help to broaden through education, giving them new sight; the socially deprived whom we assist, helping them to stand on their own feet, giving them new dignity. 

We can say: All you works of the Lord - all you works of religious institutes - O bless the Lord, to God be highest glory and praise for ever.

Secondly, we are not alone in giving this testimony. We can call on the witness of our predecessors, the Founders and Foundresses who have passed on to us their charisms, charisms which we have made our own and which we try to live by. We acknowledge too all the members of our Institutes, those who have gone before us and those still with us, whose example strengthens us. We recognize the role of many who do not belong to our Institutes but who play their part in building up the Kingdom of God. We are not alone, because we are part of the Church, and we are conscious that we are called to play our part, however small, in this Body of Christ which is a sign of union with God and of the unity of the human family.

In the third place, we are not alone, because we work together. We share information and ideas, we learn from our experiences, we collaborate in joint ventures. And we are grateful for those of our members in this Conference of Religious of England and Wales who offer their services so that we may always work together better and better.

Finally, like Jesus we know that we are not alone, because if we remain in him, if we continue to let ourselves be led by his Spirit and strengthened by this same Spirit, we are united with the Father.

We can say with Jesus: “As for human approval, this means nothing to me.” We are not looking for praise, for ourselves or for our religious bodies. We are simply working for the coming of the Kingdom of God, to whom be praise for ever and ever.



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Bernadette Kehoe Bernadette Kehoe

Contacting us during the coronavirus crisis

We have closed the office but are available on email for all queries:

CoR’ s new headquarters outside Euston station

CoR’ s new headquarters outside Euston station

A message from the General Secretary:

We have closed the office but are available on email for all queries:

So much has happened within the past month. We have settled into our new offices where we hope that, in due course, many of you will visit. Many thanks to the Poor Servants of the Mother of God, who have warmly welcomed us into St Philomena’s  and whose sisters have  worked so hard to ensure everything went smoothly. Thanks also to all those who helped us move and sent cards, flowers and good wishes.

We had scarcely unpacked and had been working hard on the events planned for March: three Laudato Si’  days of reflection, a digital conference and the celebration, with Cardinal Michael Fitzgerald, of the new chapter in CoR’s life, when we were overtaken by events. Like people around the country we have had to cancel our remaining events in March and will keep other things planned for later in the year under close review. While this is disappointing, what we are facing is minor when we consider the impact of Covid 19 on others.  It is of course difficult not to worry about what might happen to family, friends, colleagues and our communities. Padre Pio’s saying: ‘Pray, hope, and don't worry. Worry is useless. God is merciful and will hear your prayer’ seems especially apposite.

I hope you and everyone in your communities stays well and that you find new and creative ways to exercise your ministries during this period.

Valerie Nazareth



CoR Celebration : 26th March

Digital Conference : 28th March

Because the office is closed, correspondence and cheques will be processed at a later date. For any queries please email the Secretariat as follows:

Valerie Nazareth:

Charlotte Vassallo:

God of healing and mercy, be with the people around the world who have contracted the coronavirus. Comfort those whose loved ones have died. Relieve the anxiety of those worried about their livelihoods and about exposure to the virus and protect those who risk their own lives daily to provide help and assistance to the sick. Through Christ our Lord.

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Bernadette Kehoe Bernadette Kehoe

"Pope Francis is asking us to see that destroying the environment is a sin"

…..Fr Sean writes with passion and a deep sense of urgency. As individuals and as institutions, we must make choices in favour of life. This is a prophetic call, calling for a radical change in the way we view ourselves in relation to the rest of creation.


Father Sean McDonagh, a renowned ecological theologian, is the keynote speaker at a forthcoming day of reflection on Laudato Si’ being held by the Conference of Religious in London. Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, the meeting will now take place later in the year.

In 2014 and 2015, Fr Sean was involved in the research which led to the publication of ‘Laudato Si’ On Care for our Common Home.’ The following year he published a book on the encyclical and in 2017 he edited a book entitled ‘Laudato Si’ An Irish response.’ (published by Veritas).  

The reflection day aims to help congregations consider quantifiable steps so that Religious will be in a position to lend their prophetic voice to the urgent climate crisis. 

Review of publications by Fr Sean McDonagh:

Fr Sean was born in Nenagh, Ireland, studied for the priesthood in St. Columban's College, Dalgan Park, Navan (ordained 1969), and was sent as a Columban missionary  to Mindanao in the Philippines the same year. After working among the lowland people in Oroqueita City, Misamis Occidental, Mindanao for four years, he studied linguistics and  anthropology in USA.

On returning from Washington DC, he taught at the Mindanao State University in a predominantly Muslim area, and then moved to Lake Sebu to work among the mountain people called the  T’boli. In response to the destruction of local forest in T’boli country, Fr Sean began his ecological activism, which culminated in the pioneering book ‘To Care for the Earth’ (1985), though it took three years to find a publisher because the connection between ecology and theology was not well known. ‘To Care for the Earth’ called for a new theology which would give at least as much prominence to creation as to redemption. Fr Sean argued that the grammar of this new creation theology ought to be the findings of modern science. This new cosmology developed from the insights of Teilhard deChardin and Thomas Berry ought to become the guiding myth for modern humankind, especially in the way we relate to the earth and other creatures.

In 1990 this volume was followed by ‘The Greening of the Church’ which revealed that, while Catholic teaching was strong on social issues, it needed to promulgate a supplementary message about the destruction of God’s creation. The focus this time was on developing a theology of creation from the resources of the Biblical tradition to complement the cosmological approach.

His second book, moreover, contained the first environmental pastoral letter of any Catholic Conference of Bishops.  It was entitled  What is happening to our beautiful Land?  and it had a major impact on the Philippine Church.  Social justice programmes are no longer confined to addressing human rights abuses or working for a more equitable society. They now include concern for the environment.  In the Philippines this means protecting what is left of the tropical forests, mangroves and coral reefs. The pastoral letter was also printed and distributed by the Philippine Department of the Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). Fr Sean was the main drafter of this document, which was published in 1988.

‘Passion for the Earth’ (1995) contains a critique of multilateral lending and trading bodies (World Bank, IMF, GATT-WTO) and their effects on development and the environment. Third world debt was his particular focus.  

In 1999 ‘Greening the Christian Millennium’ appeared. It reflects on the ethical and ecological implications of genetic engineering in the plant world and on the patenting of life.  Fr Sean argued that a human-centred ethical framework, that has dominated Western thought for almost 2,000 years, was unsuitable for discussing issues like genetic engineering. While supporting laboratory research in genetic engineering he maintained that current field trials and the commercial planting of genetically engineered crops breached the precautionary principle and posed a danger to human health and the environment.  Furthermore, he opposed patenting living organisms such as seeds or animals viewing this as a new form of colonialism whereby the North, which is financially rich but poor in biodiversity, is able to commandeer the rich species and genetic resources of the South.

‘Why are we Deaf to the Cry of the Earth’ was published in 2001 and looked at environmental challenges facing Ireland today after six years of unprecedented economic growth.

‘Dying for Water’ was published in 2003.  It explores the crisis the world faces both in terms of access to fresh water and the destruction of the oceans.  Unless this crisis  is managed Fr Sean predicts that the wars of the 21st century will be about water not oil.

‘Patenting Life? Stop! Is corporate greed forcing us to eat genetically engineered food?’ returns to the theme of genetic engineering and the patenting of living organisms. What is at stake here is the question of who will control the seeds of the staple crops of the world within the next decade and a half. Fr Sean fears food will be controlled by a handful of Northern transnational corporations.

‘The Death of Life: The Horror of Extinction’ (2004) examines the current extinction spasm which is considered the sixth greatest extinction period since life began on the planet 3.8 billion years ago.  Fr Sean examines the biological, ethical and religious consequence of this destruction and discuss ways to turn back the tide before it is too late. 

Fr Sean McDonagh SSC

Fr Sean McDonagh SSC

‘Climate Change : The Challenge to Us All’ (2006) ; Fr Sean describes how the threat of climate change comes about and shows the consequences of global warming. He then examines various responses to global warming and questions various solutions. Finally he examines how the churches have responded to this threat to date and calls for a wider ecological pastoral approach to minstry, respecting both social teaching and good science. Again, he writes with passion and a deep sense of urgency. As individuals and as institutions, we must make choices in favour of life. This is a prophetic call, calling for a radical change in the way we view ourselves in relation to the rest of creation.


Sean McDonagh, To Care for the Earth (London: Chapman & Sons, 1985);

Sean McDonagh, The Greening of the Church (Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis, 1990);

Sean McDonagh, Passion for the Earth (Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis, 1995);

Sean McDonagh, Greening the Christian Millennium (Dublin: Dominican Publishers, 1999).

Sean McDonagh, Why are we Deaf to the Cry of the Earth (Dublin: Veritas. 2001).

Sean McDonagh, Dying for Water    (Dublin: Veritas, 2003)

Sean McDonagh Patenting Life? Stop! Is corporate greed forcing us to eat genetically engineered food?  (Dublin: Dominincan Publications, 2003).

Sean McDonagh, The Death of Life: The Horror of Extinction, (Dublin: Columba, 2004).

Sean McDonagh, Climate Change; the Challenge to Us All, (Dublin, Columba 2006)

Sean McDonagh, Fukushima; the Death Knell for Nuclear Energy? (Dublin, Columba, 2012

Sean McDonagh, (ed) Laudato Si’; An Irish Response, Veritas, 2017



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Bernadette Kehoe Bernadette Kehoe

An invitation to congregations to join a global prayer movement

Bishop Nicholas Hudson addressing the launch

Bishop Nicholas Hudson addressing the launch

Congregations in England and Wales have been warmly invited to support the annual global and ecumenical prayer initiative, ‘Thy Kingdom Come.’ Since it began four years ago, Thy Kingdom Come has gathered more than a million Christians in nearly 90% of countries worldwide, to pray for more people to come to faith in Christ during the period from Ascension to Pentecost.

The 2020 TKC was launched with a gathering at Lambeth Palace, at which Bishop Nicholas Hudson, an auxiliary in Westminster diocese, gave an opening address - a reflection on John 20 (v 19-31). See:

Sr Sue, far left, with Anglican Franciscans & the Archbishop of Canterbury

Sr Sue, far left, with Anglican Franciscans & the Archbishop of Canterbury

The Anglican Representative on the Conference of Religious Executive Committee, Sr Sue Berry CSF, hailed the annual prayer movement as a wonderful endeavour:  “I haven’t been involved in leading TKC events, but have been impressed with the effectiveness of a combination of clear focus and inclusivity, focusing on the 11 days from Ascension to Pentecost,  while encouraging people to “pray in your own way” as Archbishop Justin says.”

Sr Sue went on: “This means that churches of varying traditions, and all sorts of groups and individuals have been able to hold very diverse prayer events according to their own preferred ways of prayer and outreach,  all using the Lord’s Prayer with the intention of evangelisation, and so feeling very much part of what is now an annual global Christian event.  On an individual level the faith building “pray for five” initiative is also very inclusive,  encouraging us all to be part of TKC through our personal prayers for five people we know to become followers of Jesus,  whether or not we are able to participate in special events. I have found that using the materials provided has helped me to be more aware and responsive to the Spirit at work amid the ordinariness of life and relationships.”

Teresa Carvalho introducing Facebook live

Teresa Carvalho introducing Facebook live

At the Lambeth Palace launch event, Teresa Carvalho, Home Mission officer for the department for Evangelisation and Catechesis at the Catholic Bishops Conference, facilitated a Q & A session with Archbishop Justin Welby,  with questions submitted from those in attendance and watching live around the world on Facebook. Topics included how to engage more children and young people  and encourage leaders - ordained and lay - to lead on prayer and ecumenism. Those connecting with the Facebook live session included people in Australia, Brazil, Papua New Guinea, Netherlands, Thailand, Mauritius, South Sudan, America and Canada.

The Catholic bishops of England and Wales have been involved since the first year, and resources this year include a Catholic edition of "Evening Prayer of the Church", with an intention for each day from Ascension to Pentecost.  The bishops' conference, working with Thy Kingdom Come, has in addition produced "Journey with Mary", a guide to praying with Mary "for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit". This includes intentions for those who are isolated and alone, those in need of mercy, and those becoming interested in the Christian faith. 

Bishop Hudson said: “We're being called not just to pray but to pray for the grace to tell others that Jesus died for them; and to show them his wounds by touching their wounds. Touching their wounds? Well, yes, and here's the mysterious part because, as Pope Francis tells, it's when we touch the wounded flesh of others that we touch the wounded Body of Christ. Put your hand into their side and you're putting your hand into Christ's.”

In his main address, Archbishop Justin Welby spoke about the potential life-changing power of prayer during Thy Kingdom Come: "What excites me is that as we come together and pray for people to be filled with the Spirit, so they come to know and love Jesus Christ, to repent of their sins and turn away from all that is wrong and to find the love of Christ filling their hearts, we are in fact praying for the changing of our world."

He added: "Catholic participation is just one of the most beautiful and exciting things for me, as is Orthodox participation. There is a depth of history there that just moves me so deeply." Referring to the video he recorded with Pope Francis for last year's Thy Kingdom Come, the Archbishop said: "I know he is supportive of this." 

More information and Catholic resources available at :



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Bernadette Kehoe Bernadette Kehoe

"On our Christian pilgrimage, we must protect the pilgrim route for those who follow us"

Our new motto is: “Stop agonising and start organising!”

Sr Margaret Atkins OSA was the keynote speaker

Sr Margaret Atkins OSA was the keynote speaker

A summary, by Sister Mary Agnes, of a Lenten day of reflection on Laudato Si’ :

Bishop John Arnold giving the opening prayer

Bishop John Arnold giving the opening prayer

Bishop John Arnold welcomed the 30 Religious from Birmingham, Nottingham, Manchester, Cumbria, Leeds and elsewhere who gathered at Salford Cathedral Centre. He led the opening prayer, thanking God for all the efforts that have been made in the diocese to try to respond to climate change and encouraging us to be connected to our neighbours,  nature and the planet in integral ecology. Bishop Arnold mentioned all the wonderful work that has been achieved in the schools by young people who seek ways to care for nature and our common home.

Sister Margaret Atkins OSA, a member of the Boarbank community and an experienced speaker, teacher and writer with a particular interest in the connections between faith and ecology,  gave three talks which were appreciated by everyone; they permitted us to get a clear understanding of the encyclical letter Laudato Si’. There were times for reflection and discussions in groups which enabled us to share our ideas and experiences with each other. 

Sr Margaret Atkins OSA

Sr Margaret Atkins OSA

As Religious we need to ask ourselves if we live simply, and can others see this? Do we practice asceticism, love our neighbour, care for the poor?  Do we listen to the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor?  In what way? Our way of life should witness to “less rather than more”-  this is a call to moderation. We can ask ourselves how do we live this aspect of our vocation?

Pope Francis reminds us to have a responsibility for each other and that every gesture of care for our environment, however small, is of significance. The need for “ecological conversion” is required whereby the effects of our encounter with Jesus Christ becomes evident in our relationships with the world around us. Living our vocation to be protectors of God’s handiwork is essential to a life of virtue: it is not an optional or secondary aspect of our Christian experience.  (217)   Laudato SI’. (2015).

We all know that change is impossible without motivation and a process of education (15). Everything becomes easier when started with a contemplative outlook that comes from faith.  We can ask ourselves: “have we lived in communion with God and others, with creatures and with nature”?

Steve Burrowes of Laudato Si Centre

Steve Burrowes of Laudato Si Centre

Steve Burrowes is responsible for the Laudato Si’ Centre at Wardley Hall, the home of the Bishop of Salford. Steve has long experience working for CAFOD and teaching.  He gave a power point presentation of Wardley Hall,  showing us pictures of the gardens and buildings where the Laudato SI’ centre is situated; he invited us to come and visit the centre to appreciate the positive aspects of ecology. The centre seeks to respond to the challenges of Pope Francis’ Encyclical on the environment and human ecology by creating a space of practical action to care for our common home, which will help to leave a sustainable world for the future. 

Demonstrating an award-winning box to help protect birds and bats

Demonstrating an award-winning box to help protect birds and bats

The centre is inspired by faith rooted in prayer and gives a sense of the Sacred for people of all faiths and none. He hopes to create an environment that is safe and caring for the planet. Environmental issues have consequences for us all, especially the poor.

Steve was happy to share with us his experience of  how he helped young people to be interested in ecology; we watched and listened to a video of young people singing and sharing their joy and enthusiasm because they were involved in the practical side of ecology.  Steve encouraged us to seek new ways to be positive and creative.

There was an interesting sharing among all the Religious present;  we discussed what are the opportunities for ecology as well as obstacles and made suggestions saying how we could improve our knowledge of ecology and implement the changes required to follow a more simple and moderate style of religious life.

We were pleased to share a meal together and decided that another meeting would be planned for the near future to see if we had made any real changes in our lives to be more ecologically minded and attentive to the poor.  We may visit the Laudato Si’ centre as a group in the early summer.  Our new motto is: “Stop agonising and start organising!”

 Sister Mary Agnes, Little Sister of the Poor, Manchester.


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Bernadette Kehoe Bernadette Kehoe

Jesuits in Britain step up response to growing climate crisis

“Every action ripples out, healing or hurting others. Lent is a great opportunity to take concrete steps to harmonise our own needs with those of others. Let's tackle climate chaos together.”

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As the Conference of Religious prepares to hold three meetings around the country at which congregations will be invited to reflect on ecological conversion, the Jesuits in Britain have announced they are divesting from companies whose major income comes from the extraction of fossil fuels.

Fr Damian Howard SJ, the Provincial Superior of the British Jesuits, issued the following statement explaining the move:

“This is a response to the clear moral imperative of acting to safeguard our planet for future generations at a time when scientific evidence is mounting that we are facing a grave climate emergency. Climate change is the most pressing challenge the world faces as climate disasters wreak more and more destruction, hitting poorer countries the hardest - despite them having done the least to cause them.

What happens to the climate and the environment will have implications for us all. That’s why we need to act together to protect the conditions for human life. I am glad that the Jesuits can contribute to that joint effort. All our institutions need to respond to this ecological crisis and take bold action to reduce energy use and switch to renewable sources. Large-scale investors should be doing everything possible to help avert the severe consequences that could result if adequate measures are not taken.

Our equity investments are precious assets used to finance works and projects here in Britain and around the world, and even if there was no other reason, sound business sense alone would dictate that we take steps to protect those funds as there are severe financial risks associated with the increased frequency of climate disasters.

We recognise that this is just the beginning of a process of examining the wider impact of our investments. We need to do more to increase positive investments in areas such as sustainable energy. We also need to examine the carbon footprint and human rights track record of companies we invest in.

Laudato Si’ Centre, Oxford

Laudato Si’ Centre, Oxford

Our decision to divest is just part of our response to the growing climate crisis. In response to Pope Francis’s call to care for the environment, we are promoting his vision of integral ecology with three linked projects in three different locations, united by a common outlook: the Oxford-based Laudato Si’ Research Institute will connect ecological thinking and research across disciplines; a new Jesuit community in south London is supporting young adults campaigning for a fairer, inclusive and sustainable world; and an education centre in central London is offering events and courses in theology, spirituality, and social and environmental justice, including an MA programme accredited by Roehampton University. We are also looking to ensure all the properties we invest in are run in as environmentally friendly a way as possible and our Jesuit communities are working to develop more sustainable ways of living, switching to green electricity and getting rid of some of their cars.

On top of that, Jesuit Missions is working in 17 countries with Jesuit partner organisations which accompany vulnerable people living on the margins. Projects include supporting environmental groups in Kenya; rebuilding safer and secure homes in the Philippines; working with local groups in India to prepare disaster response teams for future floods. Jesuit Missions also works with young people in schools to get them involved in shaping the world they want through its Companions in Action programme, with pupils calling on world leaders to deliver on their Paris Agreement pledges.

Every action ripples out, healing or hurting others. Lent is a great opportunity to take concrete steps to harmonise our own needs with those of others. Let's tackle climate chaos together.”



Sr Margaret Atkins OSA

Sr Margaret Atkins OSA

We have organised a day of reflection on Laudato Si’ which is being repeated in three locations so as to maximise the number of people who can participate.  The days are aiming to help congregations consider quantifiable steps so that Religious will be in a position to lend their prophetic voice to the urgent climate crisis. 

SATURDAY FEBRUARY 29TH : in Salford Cathedral Centre, 3 Ford Street, Salford, M3 6DP. Keynote speaker:  Sr Margaret Atkins OSA with input from Steve Burrowes of the Laudato Si’ Centre, Salford Diocese. 


SATURDAY MARCH  14th :  in London : Little Sisters of the Poor, St Peter’s Residence,   2 Meadow Rd, Vauxhall, London SW8 1QH.  Keynote speaker:   Fr Sean McDonagh, a Columban,  with input from John Paul de Quay of the Ecological Conversion Group.  The venue is ten minutes walk from Vauxhall tube and also close to Oval tube.


Mater Ecclesiae

Mater Ecclesiae

SATURDAY MARCH 21st:  at Mater Ecclesiae convent, Street Ashton,  Rugby CV23 0PJ  - a beautiful rural setting, ideal for reflecting upon the environment!    Keynote speaker:  Sr Margaret Atkins OSA, with input from John Paul de Quay of the Ecological Conversion Group.  (numbers at this location are limited so register soon if you’d like to attend).  If sufficient numbers are travelling there by train we will try to provide a shuttle bus from Rugby rail station, so when booking please advise if this would be helpful.   

The days will run from 1000 to 1600 with lunch included.  Cost: £20. A booking form is available by sending an email to


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Bernadette Kehoe Bernadette Kehoe

Lenten vigil of prayer in response to climate crisis

“It is a journey of the heart: a time for personal penance, reconciliation and conversion.”


Christian climate change activists are inviting people to take part in a Lenten 40 day prayer vigil outside parliament in London as part of a campaign of prayer and demonstration calling for urgent action against the climate crisis. 

It will begin with an Ash Wednesday Vigil outside Westminster Cathedral at 12 noon;  protesters will receive a cross marked in crude oil on their foreheads, symbolising humanity’s continued dependence upon fossil fuels that harm the environment. The demonstration will then proceed to Westminster Abbey, and from there to Parliament Square, where a non-stop vigil will take place for the remainder of lent. 

Sr Katrina with 83 year old Catholic activist Phil Kingston on a recent climate change protest

Sr Katrina with 83 year old Catholic activist Phil Kingston on a recent climate change protest

A Sister of St Joseph of Peace, Sr Katrina Alton CSJP, says:  “It is a journey of the heart: a time for personal penance, reconciliation and conversion. With Jesus we enter the solitude and temptation of the desert, wrestling with our own complicity in the devastation of creation. It is also a collective journey of diverse actions in solidarity with our crucified earth, and especially the poorest people in the poorest countries already paying the price of the climate emergency.”

Sr Katrina cites ‘Querida Amazonia’ the Pope’s latest exhortation, as helping inform her commitment to the protest: “Pope Francis has defined ‘ecological sin’ not only as 'actions', but also 'inaction' that crucifies the poorest and the environment. The Pope goes a step further and says, "It is a sin against future generations." Our presence in Parliament Square for the 40 days of Lent will be a sign of our personal and collective commitment to make the sacrifices required to put pressure on our government to tell the truth and act now.”  

Sr Katrina believes the Church could be doing more collectively, to put this issue at the top of the political agenda: “There are great examples of some dioceses, such as Middlesbrough, many parishes, and some religious orders who are leading the way on this. Good practice is out there, so we have no excuses! 2019 was the year of declaring a "Climate Emergency", 2020 has to be the year we see the transformative action needed to tackle it by our government, and by our Church.”

Christian Climate Action

Christian Climate Action

The Church of England recently committed to reaching net carbon neutrality as an organisation by the year 2030 rather than 2045, the date suggested by the Church’s official working group on the question. Christian Climate Action were active in campaigning for the more ambitious 2030 timescale.  The campaigning group have called for the Catholic Church in England and Wales to adopt the same 2030 target, beginning their Ash Wednesday vigil at Westminster Cathedral for this reason. 

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Bernadette Kehoe Bernadette Kehoe

Reclaiming the politics of the common good: JPIC conference with Dr Anna Rowlands




For Religious, Associates, Third Order Members & friends


17 - 19 April 2020

High Leigh Conference Centre,

Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, EN11 8SG (Tel: 01992 463016)



‘Reclaiming the politics of the common good’

Led by Dr Anna Rowlands

Dr Anna Rowlands is the St Hilda Chair in Catholic Social Thought and Practice at the University of Durham. She is part of the Centre for Catholic Studies and also the chair of a national Centre for Catholic Social Thought and Practice. She works closely with a range of social justice organisations, nationally and internationally. She writes on political theology, Catholic social teaching and the theologies and philosophies of Hannah Arendt, Gillian Rose and Simone Weil and for the last 15 yrs has been working on theological responses to forced migration. 

Programme outline:

Friday evening – Setting the scene, and opening reflection (Dr Anna Rowlands)

Saturday – Theological reflections and workshops (Dr Anna Rowlands)

Sunday – Eucharist, sharing our signs of hope and JPIC Links AGM

Residential: Friday supper to Sunday lunch: En suite rooms £160 /Standard rooms £130

Non-residential: £35 per day (includes Saturday coffee, lunch, afternoon tea & evening meal)

Non-refundable deposit £40

Note: The full amount needs to be paid by 15th March and there will be no refunds after this date

Queries and booking: Margaret Healy:

 For a Booking Form click HERE









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Bernadette Kehoe Bernadette Kehoe

Celebrating seven decades of Religious Life

“Like Simeon and Anna, those in consecrated life live more explicitly for the sake of the kingdom. It is at the heart of our consecration.”

Platinum Jubilarians

Platinum Jubilarians



An air of celebration pervaded this year’s Mass for consecrated life at Westminster Cathedral – which took place on the last day of the Scripture Road Show,  part of the ‘The Year of the Word.’ Many took the opportunity to visit the ‘Tents of Meeting’ after Mass.

Looking at the example of Simeon and Anna in the day’s Gospel reading, Cardinal Nichols explained in his homily that, like Simeon and Anna, those in consecrated life “live more explicitly for the sake of the kingdom. It is at the heart of our consecration.”  Read the full sermon here.

Golden Jubilarians

Golden Jubilarians

Diamond Jubilarians

Diamond Jubilarians

At the celebratory lunch after Mass, Cardinal Nichols led tributes to those marking significant anniversaries of religious life this year – Silver, Golden, Diamond and even Platinum.

Among those attending was a new member of the Conference of Religious, the Superior of the Lebanese Maronite community in the UK, Fr Fadi Kmeid.  Fr Fadi reports that his property search, which CoR highlighted before Christmas, is still ongoing.

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Due to their  growing numbers in London he and his small community are looking for a Church and residence, ideally in the west or northwest of the capital.  They currently use a Catholic church, Our Lady of Sorrows in Paddington but have to rent a larger Anglican church for feastdays. The Maronites are part of the Catholic Church and they have three monks in the UK living in Swiss Cottage, serving 1500 families.

Fr Fadi (pictured front, right) can be contacted on :  Tel : 07908224983

Cardinal Nichols and the General Secretary of the Conference of Religious, Valerie Nazareth

Cardinal Nichols and the General Secretary of the Conference of Religious, Valerie Nazareth

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Bernadette Kehoe Bernadette Kehoe

Saturday, Strictly and Sr Anne

Glitterball in Sr Anne’s room

Glitterball in Sr Anne’s room

Sr Anne’s 91st birthday in early January

Sr Anne’s 91st birthday in early January

Sr Anne Kelly, who’s just celebrated her 91st birthday, must rank as one of the biggest fans of the television show, ‘Strictly Come Dancing.’ Sr Anne has watched every episode of Strictly that’s ever been broadcast and has an encyclopedic knowledge of all the dancers’ fortunes over the years. To prove the point, she’s even had a glitterball installed on the ceiling of her care home in the Midlands where she now lives!

Acknowledging it’s a slightly unusual obsession for an elderly nun, Sr Anne says she finds the spirit of fun and goodwill between the competitors in Strictly inspirational : “I love the variety and find it all so entertaining. I also love the approach of the judges when they praise the dancers but also give them tailor made advice on how to do things better. In a lot of these competitions there could be jealousy but with this,  everyone’s pleased when another pair does well; it’s so lovely to see that spirit!”

A native of the west of Ireland, Sr Anne entered a convent at the relatively late age of 58, joining the Mater Ecclesiae congregation for older women. She’s a highly skilled laundress, who was known in the congregation for her dedication to perfection in that realm. She has recently moved from the mother house near Rugby to a care home in Coleshill and says her thoughts turn all year to when the next series of Strictly will begin, adding gleefully: “I look forward to those Saturday nights so much!”

Her other passion is devouring novels - she’s an avid bookworm. “I’m so blessed” she laughs: “I’ve got a wonderful memory, acute hearing and good eyesight as well as the gift of the gab! I’m pleased to say I’ve also got all my marbles!”

Happy Birthday Sr Anne - wishing you many more enjoyable episodes of Strictly!

Sr Anne, front left, at a Christmas lunch with two Mater Ecclesiae Sisters and friends

Sr Anne, front left, at a Christmas lunch with two Mater Ecclesiae Sisters and friends

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