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The Day of Prayer for Vocations Sunday 22nd April 2018

This day flows from the broader culture of vocation, and is when the universal Church asks the Lord to send more labourers to the harvest.


The Day of Prayer for Vocations this year will be celebrated on Sunday 22nd April 2018. This day flows from the broader culture of vocation, and is when the universal Church asks the Lord to send more labourers to the harvest. The theme for this year is ‘It’s Your Call’.

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“During these days we have had the opportunity to experience our unity through diversity.”


“During these days we have had the opportunity to experience our unity through diversity. Gathered together as the religious of Europe, we have heard the call of God and the Church, to go out towards the people in need.
We are deeply moved by the suffering of millions of displaced people who migrate from all over the world and within Europe. As UCESM (the Union of European Conferences of Major Superiors), we want to enlarge the space of our tent to welcome them.
Inspired by the Gospel of Jesus, moved by the Holy Spirit and the challenges we heard throughout our time together, we commit to continue to support the migrant population in Europe. Through respecting and defending the dignity and human rights of all migrants we will endeavour to address their needs through accompaniment, service and advocacy.
UCESM, comprising intercultural communities in the Church in Europe, commit to stand beside our displaced brothers and sisters in friendship and prayer. We also support everyone in their right to have a home. Our hope is to be open to each one with a listening heart.
We are all called to go out, to meet migrants, to take action as a congregation and from our communities where we are. It is by uniting on this global path of understanding and action that we will be a prophetic witness of God’s love to all people. By loving each other, including our neighbour and the other, the space of our hearts will be enlarged and our ‘tent’ will encompass many more.
Snagov, 9 March 2018

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Centre for Catholic Studies 10th Anniversary Celebratory Conference


Catholic Theology in the Public Academy: Searching the Questions, Sounding the Depths

18 - 20 April 2018 in Durham, UK


·  Academic Colloquium featuring James Alison, Tricia Bruce, Gavin D’Costa, Alana Harris, Nicholas M. Healy, Elizabeth Johnson, Kren Kilby, Paul Lakeland, Gerard Loughlin, Paul D. Murray, Anna Rowlands, Janet Soskice, Myriam Wijlens

·  Celebratory Dinners in Durham Castle’s Great Hall and St Chad’s College

·  Anniversary Mass of Thanksgiving in Durham Cathedral

·  Public Lecture by Lord Daniel Brennan QC, ‘Catholics in Public Life—a UK perspective’

·  Parallel Paper Sessions presented by postgraduate students, early career scholars and established academics on areas relevant to Catholic theology/ Catholic studies.

Registration and Further Details

A full programme, details of costs, and registration, are available from,, or +44 (0) 191

334 1656. The registration deadline is Sunday 25 March 2018. Places are a

limited and we anticipate this will be a very popular event, so early booking is strongly recommended to avoid disappointment.

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Archbishop Romero Trust

Ecumenical Service at 11.00am on Saturday March 17th at St Martin-in-the-Fields Church in Trafalgar Square. The address will be given by Ruben Zamora, Salvadoran diplomat who knew Romero well. (See attached)

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12th - 19th March 2018 marks 10 years of Dementia Prayer Week


Spread the Word in 2018
This coming year is the tenth year of  Dementia Prayer Week  -  we like to refer to it as a Decade of Dementia Prayer - will you join us? 

Thank you for all your support to date. May you be inspired and comforted by the words of Bishop David McGough in March 2017,  "During this week  we remember especially the often forgotten pain of those suffering with dementia, and those who care for them." 

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Life Jon Life Jon

World Day of the Poor - 33rd Sunday of the Year, 19 November 2017

In his message for the first World Day of the Poor, to be celebrated on 19 November this year, Pope Francis asks all of us, whatever our means or background, to unite in love, in acts of service to one another and in genuine encounter.

 “It is my wish that … Christian communities will make
every effort to create moments of encounter and friendship,
solidarity and concrete assistance.”

Pope Francis

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For the Victims of Terrorism

Loving God,

Welcome into your arms the victims of violence and terrorism.
Comfort their families and all who grieve for them.
Help us in our fear and uncertainty,
And bless us with the knowledge that we are secure in your love.
Strengthen all those who work for peace,
And may the peace the world cannot give reign in our hearts.

- Author Unknown

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