Monastery of Our Lady and St. Bernard 2025 Programme
Explore the 2025 programme at the Monastery of Our Lady and St. Bernard.
We invite you to explore the 2025 programme at the Monastery of Our Lady and St. Bernard. Offering a unique opportunity for personal growth, spiritual development, and deepening community engagement. For further information, please visit the website or contact
Loreto Spirituality Centre, Llandudno
“Come with me to a quiet place and rest awhile”
The Loreto Spirituality Centre in Llandudno provides a wide selection of options to cater to individual needs.
Living Theology Summer School 10th - 13th July
Living Theology: A Summer School in Christian Faith
A Summer School in Christian Faith. Living Theology has been organised by Jesuits and their associates in venues across the country for over 50 years. The courses continue to provide opportunities for Christians of all denominations to deepen their understanding of the Christian faith and develop their personal reflection on Christian living and belief. No prior theological knowledge is required, just an open mind and willingness to engage.
Click here for more information about the courses as well as a booking form.
Dupuis Retreat and Conference Centre 2025 Programme
Explore the 2025 Programme of events to see what’s on.
Dupuis Retreat and Conference Centre
St. Paul's Convent, 94 Selly Park Road B29 7LL.
Discover tranquillity and inspiration with a diverse range of retreats, quiet days, and conferences on offer.
Explore the 2025 Programme of events to see what’s on.
Starting in September. These will take place from 10.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. on the 1st Wednesday of each month.
Days will be led by Sr. Pauline Myers SP
Cost: £20 Please bring own lunch. Tea and coffee provided
6-day Preached Retreat
‘Freedom to live as the children of God’
Fr. Chris Thomas, The Irenaeus Project, Archdiocese of Liverpool
March 19th-26th
Cost: £650
Individually Guided Retreat
6-day Individually Guided Retreat
Led by Sr. Pauline Myers SP and Sr. Una Coogan IBVM
May 19th-26th
Cost: £650
Midweek Preached Retreat
Led by Fr. Eamon Mulcahy CSSp
November 10th-14th
Cost: £220
Day Conferences
‘Easter, the Springtime of our lives’
Rev. Cameron Butland, Retreat Association Trustee
Saturday May 17th
Cost: £35 Please bring own lunch. Tea and coffee provided
David Wells, author of ‘The Reluctant Disciple’ and ‘The Grateful Disciple’
Saturday June 14th
What is Hope, why do we need it, and what difference does it make? In a restless world of anxiety and heightened conflict, isn’t hope a bit of a luxury? When people are in the midst of struggle does Hope actually achieve anything? In this session we will explore the great virtues, especially Hope, and consider why people all over the world are awakening to the power of a virtuous approach to Monday mornings. Hope does not disappoint!
Cost: £35 Please bring own lunch. Tea and coffee provided
Quiet Day with the Retreat Association Icon – Reflecting on the meeting between Jesus and the Samaritan Woman at the Well
Alison MacTier, Director of the Retreat Association
Saturday October 18th
The day will include an exploration of how this beautiful icon was made, within the tradition of iconography, as well as how we can begin to interpret its meaning. Then we will spend time reflecting in detail on the Gospel story of this encounter and what it may mean for us today.
Cost: £35 Please bring own lunch. Tea and coffee provided.
For more information or to make a booking please contact Sr. Margaret Mattison - 0121 415 6100 -
Guided Retreats at Buckfast Abbey in 2025
Offering spiritual nourishment & reflection
Clergy Retreat - 24/02/25 - 28/02/25 from £425
Led by Fr Gregory
“When I am weak then I am strong” An opportunity to reflect on catholic priestly ministry in a changing landscape of the church. With reduced numbers of catholic clergy and increasing levels of responsibility how can we prepare to minister in new ways and in new situations. Becoming more self-accepting and aware of the opportunities offered us in ministry today, our few days together at Buckfast will provide a shared experience to listen, to learn and to look forward.
Creation Retreat- 19/05/25 -23/05/25 from £575
Led by Paula Pearce
St Francis spent time at a Benedictine monastery discerning the future direction of his life. Why not do something similar and join us at Buckfast for these few days focusing on Creation in the light of Franciscan thought and mission.
Church Musicians’ Retreat - 28/08/25 - 01/09/25 from £500
Led by Peter Stevens - Assistant Master of the Music at Westminster Cathedral and a Benedictine Oblate
I will sing praise to Thee in the sight of the angels” (Rule of St Benedict, Chapter 19) — a retreat for church musicians which includes sessions on Gregorian chant and its accompaniment, the use of the organ in the liturgy, and open rehearsals with the Abbey Choir. A unique opportunity to learn more about the role of music in the liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church, in the tranquillity of a Benedictine monastery on the edge of Dartmoor National Park.
Women Religious Retreat - 27/10/25 - 31/10/25 from £595
Led by: Dom Geoffrey Scott OSB
The role of women religious in the church has often been underestimated and undervalued. Abbot Geoffrey will gently guide us in the beautiful setting of Buckfast Abbey to reflect, reconsider and reorientate ourselves to better serve the church in the bright future that God promises. Do join us for these few days together inspired by the Benedictine monastic liturgy, the spectacular grounds at Buckfast and our shared experiences which will emerge through our conversations.
There is a choice of accommodation available at either the Northgate House Hotel or St Petroc’s Retreat House. Please click here to view the accommodation brochure.
To book and for more information visit
Weekend Retreat at Brownshill Monastery
To Hope and Act with Creation
To hope & act with Creation – learning from the animals
Fri, Sep 27, 20244:00 PM Sun, Sep 29, 202412:00 PM
Monastery of Our Lady and St. Bernard (map)
This year’s ecumenical Season of Creation takes the theme: To Hope and Act with Creation. How can we do this?
This weekend celebrating Creation, will reflect on the words of Job who invited us to “ask the animals” what they can teach us about our faith (Job 12:7-10). In His teaching, Jesus frequently drew on nature to illustrate the Christian way of life (e.g. Matthew 6: 26-30). Pope Francis too, reminds us that “each of the various creatures….. reflects in its own way a ray of God’s infinite wisdom” (Laudato si’ para.69] and urges us to remember that “the universe as a whole, in all its manifold relationships, shows forth the inexhaustible richness of God” [Laudato Deum: 63].
You are invited to join in contemplating the lessons we can learn from animals and to find hope and opportunities for action from the examples of small creatures (e.g. ants) that render significant change.
Click here for the weekend’s programme!
Suggested offering is £ 140 for the full residential weekend, which includes all meals from Friday supper to Sunday lunch. Non-residential options are also available. Please use the form to book your place or to request further information.
Discernment Retreat - Loreto Spirituality Centre
‘I listened to God’s deep dream for me…’
Loreto Spirituality Centre
Friday 30th August – Sunday 1st September
Led by: Josette Zammit-Mangion IBVM and Ewa Bem IBVM
A Discernment Retreat, drawing om the life and writings of Mary Ward, to help us reflect on the choices we make. This retreat could also be helpful when making significant decisions in life.
For more information or to book:
Call: 01492 878031
Retreats at The Briery
IGR and a day of reflection exploring the challenges, blessings and fresh perspectives of our later years guided by scripture, story and our own lived experience.
Individually Guided Retreat
8-days (5th – 14th August) or 6-days (5th-12th) August at The Briery Retreat Centre, Ilkley. There are a few places still available on our next IGR, led by Fr Paul Fletcher, S.J. and The Briery Team.
The Wisdom Years – Margaret Silf
Monday 23rd September – A day of reflection exploring the challenges, blessings and fresh perspectives of our later years guided by scripture, story and our own lived experience. £48pp to include a two-course home-cooked lunch and all refreshments.
Please contact the Administrators to book or for more information 01943 607287
Quiet Day at St Andrew's Lewisham
A quiet day based on the experience of a pilgrimage to Skellig Michael.
Saturday 15 June: Celtic wisdom
A quiet day based on the experience of a pilgrimage to Skellig Michael, with Kathleen O’Sullivan. 10 am for a 10.30 start until 4pm.
Friday 19 to Sunday 28 July: An Urban Oasis Silent Retreat
A silent retreat including personal accompaniment (IGR). 3 to 8-Day retreat. 2 nights minimum. Self-Catering only.
Click here for further information and bookings.
Renewal Program for Religious
Uncovering the inner self in intercultural community living: a path to transformation.
Invitation for short renewal program in Steyl in March 2025.
Uncovering the inner self in intercultural community living: a path to transformation.
6-day workshop, followed by 7-day contemplative retreat.
The methodology will be experience-based (along with input from relevant sources), drawing reflections and insights from our own seeking for God.
Click here for the flyer for more details about the project.
Contemplative Retreats for St Augustine’s Priory
The House of Prayer offers a broad variety of Retreats catering to many kinds of needs.
The House of Prayer offers a broad variety of Retreats catering to many kinds of needs. Welcoming anyone in fact seeking with an open heart, to deepen their spirituality, to find a life lived with meaning, or nurture their relationship with God.
Click here for the 2024 programme, which has this year’s Contemplative Retreats.