Dupuis Retreat and Conference Centre 2025 Programme
Explore the 2025 Programme of events to see what’s on.
Dupuis Retreat and Conference Centre
St. Paul's Convent, 94 Selly Park Road B29 7LL.
Discover tranquillity and inspiration with a diverse range of retreats, quiet days, and conferences on offer.
Explore the 2025 Programme of events to see what’s on.
Starting in September. These will take place from 10.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. on the 1st Wednesday of each month.
Days will be led by Sr. Pauline Myers SP
Cost: £20 Please bring own lunch. Tea and coffee provided
6-day Preached Retreat
‘Freedom to live as the children of God’
Fr. Chris Thomas, The Irenaeus Project, Archdiocese of Liverpool
March 19th-26th
Cost: £650
Individually Guided Retreat
6-day Individually Guided Retreat
Led by Sr. Pauline Myers SP and Sr. Una Coogan IBVM
May 19th-26th
Cost: £650
Midweek Preached Retreat
Led by Fr. Eamon Mulcahy CSSp
November 10th-14th
Cost: £220
Day Conferences
‘Easter, the Springtime of our lives’
Rev. Cameron Butland, Retreat Association Trustee
Saturday May 17th
Cost: £35 Please bring own lunch. Tea and coffee provided
David Wells, author of ‘The Reluctant Disciple’ and ‘The Grateful Disciple’
Saturday June 14th
What is Hope, why do we need it, and what difference does it make? In a restless world of anxiety and heightened conflict, isn’t hope a bit of a luxury? When people are in the midst of struggle does Hope actually achieve anything? In this session we will explore the great virtues, especially Hope, and consider why people all over the world are awakening to the power of a virtuous approach to Monday mornings. Hope does not disappoint!
Cost: £35 Please bring own lunch. Tea and coffee provided
Quiet Day with the Retreat Association Icon – Reflecting on the meeting between Jesus and the Samaritan Woman at the Well
Alison MacTier, Director of the Retreat Association
Saturday October 18th
The day will include an exploration of how this beautiful icon was made, within the tradition of iconography, as well as how we can begin to interpret its meaning. Then we will spend time reflecting in detail on the Gospel story of this encounter and what it may mean for us today.
Cost: £35 Please bring own lunch. Tea and coffee provided.
For more information or to make a booking please contact Sr. Margaret Mattison - 0121 415 6100 - margaret.mattison@sellypark.org
Quiet Day at St Andrew's Lewisham
A quiet day based on the experience of a pilgrimage to Skellig Michael.
Saturday 15 June: Celtic wisdom
A quiet day based on the experience of a pilgrimage to Skellig Michael, with Kathleen O’Sullivan. 10 am for a 10.30 start until 4pm.
Friday 19 to Sunday 28 July: An Urban Oasis Silent Retreat
A silent retreat including personal accompaniment (IGR). 3 to 8-Day retreat. 2 nights minimum. Self-Catering only.
Click here for further information and bookings.