Boarbank Hall Programme of Residential Events

The Sisters at Boarbank Hall are offering a full programme of residential events for the first time since the pandemic. Several of these may be of particular interest to Religious Brothers and Sisters.

The programme includes opportunities to rejoice in the beauty of God’s creation. Two Wings and Some Prayers: A Birdwatching Retreat (12th–17th May) introduces birdsong for beginners, led by Sr Margaret Atkins and Dr Margaret Phillips. Celebrating Creation: The Joy of Limits (27th–31st May or 4th–10th October) is guided by Sr Margaret Atkins and John Paul de Quay of the Ecological Conversion Group. Both retreats include trips out, walks, talks, and practical engagement with the natural world.

For those interested in learning Latin through prayers and Scripture, Our Lady in Latin (18th–20th/21st July) and Magnificat! (24th–26th/27th October) offer an engaging and enjoyable way to study and sing Latin using familiar texts. These sessions are taught by Alison Samuels, a highly experienced Latin teacher.

A deep dive into St Augustine’s Confessions (18th–22nd August) provides an opportunity to explore this classic text in greater detail, with Sr Margaret Atkins offering guidance throughout. This may be of particular interest to communities with Augustinian roots.

All courses take place in the comfortable Guest House at Boarbank Hall, set in extensive grounds overlooking Morecambe Bay. Participants are welcome to join the Community for Mass and the sung Daily Office.

For more information, see or email Sr Margaret Atkins on


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