Ears to Listen: Response of Religious to synodal consultation

By Sr Margaret Donovan HC

The three webinars on Communion, Participation and Mission were well attended  (between 200-300 each time).

Each started with a time of prayer and a reflection, given by a speaker on the theme.  Then there were break out groups to discuss the following:

a)      The reflections and thoughts of Religious with respect to their experience of Communion/Participation/Mission in the life of the church in England and Wales.

b)     Things Religious identify as the church needing to let go of in England and Wales to allow new or deeper experiences of Communion/Participation/Mission to come.

c)      Things Religious identify as the church needing to develop or learn to do in England and Wales, to allow new or deeper experiences of Communion/Participation/Mission to come.

After the session there was an opportunity for Religious to submit further reflections on each of the questions.  Overall there was an enormous response, for which we are very grateful. The feedback has been submitted to CICLSAL.

Thank you to everyone who took contributed in any way to the Religious Synodal process.  We hope for a positive outcome.