New General Secretary takes up office

Nicholas Witherick, a former Estates Manager at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, has been appointed as the General Secretary of the Conference of Religious of England and Wales. The second successive lay appointment to the role, he replaces Valerie Nazareth, who was in post for three years. Commenting upon his appointment, Nicholas Witherick said:

 “I’m aware that those who met Valerie Nazareth know how effective she and her team have been in enhancing the role and identity of the Conference throughout the Religious Community in England and Wales.  She has left the organisation in a very strong position, and I intend to build on that with the direction of the Executive and our Members.  2022 will see the creation of a new strategy -striving to raise the voices, ideas, issues and best practice of the Religious of England and Wales.”

Marking her departure, Valerie Nazareth, a lawyer and former Head of Editorial Legal Services at the BBC commented: 

“It has become a commonplace for people leaving a job to say that it has been a privilege to work in that role. But in this case it really is true. Working with Religious over the past three years has been a brilliant experience. Their lives are devoted to the service of others, often in defence of the weakest and most vulnerable in our society. There is much they can teach others, not least about spirituality and living for others. Their skills in listening and discernment seem to me to be second to none. The ongoing work of CoR, its members,  staff and executive will all be in my prayers.”

In late October, at the end of the AGM for congregational Leaders, tributes were paid to the outgoing General Secretary. The President of the Conference of Religious, Fr Paul Smyth CMF, thanked her for all the expertise and hard work that has guided the organisation through a challenging period.

Nicholas Witherick & Valerie Nazareth


"The Church cannot be understood without them."


A life less ordinary: Sr Pamela Hussey