“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another”


The Conference of Religious is asking its members to offer their skills in the struggle against human trafficking. The two large meetings organised by CoR in January, in London and Manchester, indicated a great desire by Religious to match their experience to needs. To that end, CoR is now working on creating a database of volunteers to help support frontline anti-slavery institutions across England and Wales.  To assist with this, a short survey is being sent out for those who have the time and skills to volunteer.

Nearly seventy attended the London meeting and forty met in Manchester, with intensive interactive discussion at both meetings, to explore how Religious and CoR can respond to the challenges.  The meetings followed on from the Arise foundation questionnaire sent out to all congregations last year, which, for the first time ever, mapped the huge scale of work in this field. 

The January meetings exposed a strong desire to be pro-active in finding out more about the problem and helping Religious find ways of contributing their time and skills to anti-trafficking, either as frontline support for victims or in raising awareness across the country. One attendee commented:  “Many tiny drops of water blending make a mighty sea.”

Religious are asked to submit responses by 12th April 2019. The questionnaire is available online in survey format here: https://arisefoundation.typeform.com/to/ofxL3V

It can also be accessed as a Word document here and emailed to Sr Dominica Popach OP : arise@corew.org

Or printed out and posted to : The Conference of Religious, 3 Montpelier Avenue, Ealing, London W5 2XP.