A place of welcome & peace in the midst of a busy city


Sisters in the Faithful Companions of Jesus congregation have opened an FCJ Spirituality Centre near Euston station in London.  It has been developed in what was previously St. Aloysius Convent; the original building has been completely refurbished and two floors transformed into the Spirituality Centre.

By Sr Rita McLoughlin FCJ:

We hope to make our Centre a place of welcome where people can find peace, hope in the midst of a busy city, and the opportunity to reflect, learn, question their beliefs and deepen their faith. As well as providing a variety of events for the wider community we would like to be able to get to know our neighbours. We are delighted, therefore, to include in our programme two evenings on ‘Neighbours in Faith’, one on Judaism and the other on Islam.

We have already had several Day and Evening Retreats and we are offering a monthly Quiet Day. We have started sessions on Reflection on the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles and are about to begin a series of Deepening in Faith Sessions. Our monthly ‘Film as a Way to Reflect on Life’, seems to be greatly appreciated and we are also offering the possibility of a Book Club.

Eco-Spirituality is really important to us. Some participants found our taster session in June an eye-opener and most inspiring! There will be 3 further sessions on ‘What is Eco-spirituality?’ in the coming months.

We look forward to a whole series of events on different ways of praying, including Praying with Clay, Colour Movement, Music and Poetry, while other creative sessions include, ‘The Gift of Laughter’ and ‘Card-making’.

We want to give people the opportunity here to consider or find tools for making good life decisions, to search for justice, to pursue beauty as a revelation of God, find ways of caring for the Earth and to discover more meaning in their lives.

We are happy to be already involved in spiritual accompaniment for quite a number of people and to offer the opportunity for making the 19th Annotation form of the Spiritual Exercises.

The geographical position and facilities of our Centre have been providing a helpful and easily accessible place to meet for many different kinds of groups and we are very grateful that we can offer this kind of service.
