Religious across the UK invited to join a network for anti-trafficking

l to r: Sr Arpan Carvalho BS, John Studzinski CBE, Sr Cecilia Espenilla OP and Cardinal Turkson

l to r: Sr Arpan Carvalho BS, John Studzinski CBE, Sr Cecilia Espenilla OP and Cardinal Turkson

An open invitation is being extended to Religious to attend a meeting in January -  being held both in London and Manchester  - to lay the foundations for a network of those involved in or supportive of anti-trafficking work. The meetings follow on from the recent major research conducted by the Arise Foundation, in which all Congregations in England and Wales received a questionnaire, probing the scale of involvement in this field.  The report was launched, to much acclaim, at a well attended event in November:   Threads of Solidarity: The Anti-Slavery Commitment of the Conference of Religious of England and Wales

Many respondents to the questionnaire that was sent out said that they would like CoREW to play a role in assisting Religious engaged in anti-slavery work.


The CoREW Executive is mindful of the excellent, long-running initiatives in this area founded by, or involving, Religious. It is important that any CoREW activity complements work already underway, rather than duplicating it. Equally, for this endeavour to be successful, a sense of common ownership is necessary. For these reasons, we would like to bring together stakeholders for a facilitated meeting to listen and determine together what CoREW can do to support Religious engaged in this work. The Arise research revealed the huge scale of anti-trafficking work that is conducted by Religious, but also its autonomy. The reason for developing a network is to give support, resources & training, better communications and a stronger voice.

 A key principle is that the network will be by Religious, for Religious.


Two meetings have therefore been organised for January: people are invited to go to one in London or another one that is taking place the following week, in Manchester. We would like to welcome to these meetings not only the representatives and members of religious institutes who are already involved in anti-slavery work but all those who in any way contribute to this work, or would like to become more involved.  

LONDON MEETING: JANUARY 19th 2019, 10.30-16:00

Holy Apostles Church, Pimlico (47 Cumberland St, Pimlico, London SW1V 4LY, [Church Hall]) MAP.

MANCHESTER MEETING: JANUARY 26th 2019, 10.30-16:00

Manchester Universities’ Catholic Chaplaincy (Avila House, 335-337 Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PG) MAP.

Those wishing to attend are asked to register their interest at this link by the 10th January 2019.    There is no charge to attend. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

NB!     Please note that each individual needs to register, or someone on their behalf - this will help us to plan catering, prevent waste, and send out preparatory materials.

(Those unable to fill out the link are asked to contact Sr. Dominica Popach O.P. directly on: 07880 771 707 or send an email to :

Image from a safe house for trafficked women. The property was given by a Congregation.

Image from a safe house for trafficked women. The property was given by a Congregation.


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